Gov. Moore launches a program for young adults to gain paid work experience through community service.

Wish we had this when we were in school?

October 21st 2023.

Gov. Moore launches a program for young adults to gain paid work experience through community service.
Wes Moore, the first and only Black governor of Maryland, has launched a new initiative to encourage community service among young people in the state. The SERVE Act is the first program of its kind in the country, allowing Marylanders ages 18-21 to give back to their communities and get paid for their work.

On a YouTube video, Moore spoke about his own experiences with service and how it has shaped his life. "Service has impacted my life in immeasurable ways, and our Maryland Serves programs will allow us to build a stronger, more compassionate, and competitive state," Moore said.

The SERVE Act offers two unique nine-month programs for high school graduates. Participants can work with organizations across the state to address climate, education, health, and workforce expansion issues, and be paid at least $15 an hour.

The Maryland Corps program is another option for people of all ages who are interested in performing public and community service. Upon completion of either program, members will receive a $6,000 stipend to put towards tuition costs, or receive a cash stipend.

Paul Monteiro, Secretary of the Maryland Department of Service and Civic Innovation, praised Moore for this initiative. "I am pleased to support Governor Moore’s call to make service the foundation for a stronger Maryland," Monteiro said. "Our programs provide Marylanders the opportunity to explore their possibilities and discover their power through service."

Moore is dedicated to improving the state of service jobs in Maryland. Last year, he visited Baltimore City Community College to discuss the severe nurse shortage and provided $6 million in funding to nearly a dozen schools in an attempt to improve nursing programs. It is clear that Moore is committed to making a difference in his state and is taking the necessary steps to ensure the success of Marylanders.

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