Sen. Butler will not seek re-election in 2024.

Senator Butler works hard to serve CA, soon to fill Feinstein's seat in 2025.

October 21st 2023.

Sen. Butler will not seek re-election in 2024.
On October 19th, Democrat Laphonza Butler, the third Black woman to serve in the Senate, announced her plans not to run for re-election in 2024 after she completes her term as interim in Dianne Feinstein's seat.

In a statement to The New York Times, the 44-year-old LGBTQ+ leader explained that this was not the best use of her voice and she is dedicated to giving her best efforts while fulfilling her current term as "the loudest and proudest champion of California."

Butler discussed her plans with her wife and daughter and concluded that "knowing you can win a campaign doesn’t always mean you should run a campaign." She added that she had spent the past 16 days pursuing clarity on what kind of life she wanted to have, what kind of service she wanted to offer, and what kind of voice she wanted to bring forward.

Governor Gavin Newsom clarified that no restrictions were attached to Butler, and she is welcome to run in the 2024 election if she desires. In response to this, Butler stated on Thursday that "traditionally, we don’t see those who have power let it go. It may not be the decision people expected but it’s the right one for me."

As previously reported by BLACK ENTERPRISE, Butler was appointed to a senate seat by Gov. Newsom after Feinstein passed away in October. She was sworn in to represent California by Vice President Kamala Harris on October 3rd, making her the second Black woman and the first openly LGBTQ+ to serve in the Senate for the state.

Candidates in the 2024 election for Feinstein’s seat include Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, and Barbara Lee.

This announcement has come as a surprise to many, but Butler has made a decision that she feels is best for her. She has been a long-time West Coast leader and has no doubt made a positive mark in the Senate. It will be interesting to see who will fill her seat come 2024.

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