Get your horoscope for today - see what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign on July 12, 2024.

Is there something or someone that completely consumes you?

July 11th 2024.

Get your horoscope for today - see what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign on July 12, 2024.
Good morning! Are you curious about what the stars have in store for you today? Well, look no further because today's celestial forecast is highlighting some important lessons on the art of restraint. Diplomatic finesse will be key for Libras as they navigate dealing with a formidable individual. And for Sagittariuses, it's important to maintain your cool as passions may rise to the surface. But don't worry, we have all the horoscopes for today, Friday July 12, 2024, for each star sign.

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Let's take a look at each star sign's horoscope for today, shall we?

Aries (March 21 to April 20) - Today, you may feel a hint of green-eyed envy coming from a friend. It might be wise to give them some space as Venus and Pluto's alignment can stir up intense emotions. It's okay if you can't figure out the root of these feelings, sometimes it's a mystery that we may never fully uncover. This month, you may find that what you need doesn't align with certain people.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21) - Emotions may intensify today, possibly over something trivial. Someone may be getting under your skin and causing you to feel unsettled. But don't worry, a benevolent influence is also present, encouraging you to see the lighter side of the situation. Don't be afraid to ask your friends for their thoughts, as you may be taking things too seriously.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21) - Sometimes, it's better to let go of things that are no longer serving us. The heavens are nudging you to release what no longer benefits you. You may be inspired to say goodbye to a long-held belief or a project that you've poured your heart into, but trust that it's a necessary release. Holding onto things that are fruitless only denies you the riches waiting on the horizon.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23) - Feeling pressured by someone? Remember, compromise isn't your only option. Stand your ground and insist on respect before moving forward. Don't make any concessions without receiving courtesy in return. Today's intense Venus and Pluto alignment may also stir up a deep desire for something or someone that you can't resist. Take a step back and reflect before making any impulsive decisions.

Leo (July 24 to August 23) - Your sunny nature may encounter unexpected hiccups today as an aspect reminds you that life isn't always a party. You may find yourself struggling with passionate emotions due to situations beyond your control. But don't let this dampen your spirits, things will soon become more favorable for you. However, it's important to face the truth of certain involvements.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23) - Some of your relationships may be blossoming beautifully, showing promise and potential for further growth. Focus your energy on nurturing these connections that fill you with optimism. But if someone's motives seem murky or overly controlling, trust your instincts. Your gut feeling is your best guide, and you know best who deserves your time and energy.

Libra (September 24 to October 23) - You may be tempted to take on someone who is not easily swayed. But with the current hard aspect, any tussle with them may not work out in your favor. This is a time to utilize your diplomatic side and handle the situation with grace and tact. Whether you back off or try to negotiate, approaching it with kindness may lead to a friendlier outcome.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 22) - Are you caught in a web of worry over a slip of the tongue or a misstep? It's easy to spiral into a frenzy and imagine a disastrous fallout. But take heart, things are likely not as bad as they seem. If you've been over-dramatizing everything, the person you're worrying about may not even be bothered. Take a deep breath and let go of any unnecessary anxiety.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21) - You may be feeling consumed by something or someone today. The alignment of Venus and Pluto reflects a theme for this month, specifically about how you communicate and express your feelings, including your love language. This aspect may also reflect your fluctuating enthusiasm for a certain goal or desire. Try to stay calm and avoid getting too caught up in the intensity of the situation.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 21) - Your desires may clash with your financial reality today. You may find yourself scheming to obtain something you want, regardless of the cost. But be careful, an intense cosmic tug-of-war could lead you to make risky decisions with your budget. Take some time to reflect before making any impulsive purchases and consider the consequences.

Aquarius (January 22 to February 19) - Someone close to you may seem to be making a big deal out of a minor issue. While you may be tempted to clarify things, consider if it's worth your energy to intervene. If their behavior seems confrontational, it may be smarter to avoid the drama altogether. You have better things to do than deal with unnecessary conflicts.

Pisces (February 20 to March 20) - It's possible to be so competitive that you end up turning something fun into a chore. As Venus opposes Pluto across your work axis, you may be prone to fears, doubts, and compulsive thoughts that aren't based on reality. This intense aspect may also make you worry about what others think of you. Remember, in order to succeed, you need to relax and trust in yourself.

And that's it for today's horoscopes! Don't forget to check back every morning for your daily horoscope. Do you have a story to share? We'd love to hear from you! Get in touch by emailing us at email. And enter your birthday to receive your free daily horoscope straight to your inbox!

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