New Emmerdale clip shows Samson's capture


July 11th 2024.

New Emmerdale clip shows Samson's capture
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After the brutal attack on Matty Barton in prison on Emmerdale, his loved ones in the village are feeling the pressure to find out what truly happened. Matty's family and friends, including Moira, Amy, Cain, and Kerry, have been standing by him, convinced of his innocence. However, Lydia and Sam have taken the side of Samson, the alleged victim, who claims that Matty stabbed him without reason.

In a new spoiler video, we see Cain storming into the Dingle household, clearly angry and frustrated. It turns out that Samson has reported Moira to the police for kidnapping him, after she tried to get him to admit that he was lying about Matty attacking him. Samson is afraid of the consequences if he tells the truth, as his friend Josh had pressured him to lie in the first place.

But why did Josh want Samson to lie? As it turns out, Josh had pushed Samson towards Matty, who was holding a knife at the time. He wanted Samson to steal money from the Hide, and was willing to use violence to make it happen. Unfortunately, this has led Matty to be falsely accused and put in danger as a transgender man in prison.

Even when Matty himself tried to talk to Samson and possibly get him to confess, Samson instead went to the police and reported Matty for harassment. This resulted in Matty being violated his bail conditions and ending up in prison. As Cain angrily reminds Samson, Matty is in the hospital because of him, yet his family continues to protect him. Sam, however, still stands by his son's side, despite Cain's fury.

Cain pleads with Samson to tell the truth, but Samson remains silent, going against the Dingle Code of never ratting out their own. This causes Sam to angrily kick Cain out of the house, but not before a tense standoff between the two brothers. However, it seems that cracks are starting to show in the wall of support around Samson, as Lydia looks troubled. Could the truth finally be about to come out?

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