Get insights on what the upcoming week holds for you with a tarot horoscope reading from October 21 to October 27.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

October 20th 2024.

Get insights on what the upcoming week holds for you with a tarot horoscope reading from October 21 to October 27.
Are you ready for the new week ahead? The Full Moon has passed and we are now entering into Scorpio season, known as the true dark eye of the zodiac and the prequel to Samhain/Halloween. It's a time when the veil between worlds becomes thinner, allowing for mischief and magic to prevail. Have you considered asking the tarot for guidance during this time?

If you haven't already, now is the perfect time to read your tarot cards or have someone else read them for you. But before you do, what question is weighing heavily on your mind? Let the tarot reveal it to you. Each zodiac sign has a specific card for the week, providing insight into what lies ahead.

Starting with Aries, the Seven of Cups appears, urging you to make your wildest fantasies a reality. Don't be afraid to dream big and live your life to the fullest. Our imaginations are powerful tools, so use them to create the future you desire.

Next, for Taurus, the Wheel of Fortune appears, signaling the need for change in a specific area of your life. While you may be resistant to change, there is something that has reached its expiration date and requires reinvention. Embrace this change and let it lead you towards a brighter future.

For Gemini, The Tower appears, bringing with it the difficult question of what in your life needs to be removed before it causes harm. This could be a role, commitment, habit, behavior, or even a person. It's a tough question, but it's necessary for your own well-being.

Cancer, represented by the Four of Cups, is being reminded to stop and take a moment to appreciate all the blessings in your life. It's easy to get caught up in wanting more, but sometimes we need to reflect on what we already have and be grateful for it. This gratitude will attract more positivity into your life.

Leo, the Three of Coins appears, encouraging you to seek help from others. You don't have to do everything alone. There are people around you with knowledge and expertise that can assist you in achieving your goals. Don't hesitate to reach out and ask for help.

For Virgo, the Two of Swords appears, revealing that it's time to make a decision that you've been avoiding. Procrastination will only hold you back, so it's important to gather the information you have and make the best choice. Remember, there's always the option to make a new decision in the future.

These tarot cards serve as a guide for the week ahead, providing insight and clarity into the pressing questions on our minds. Don't be afraid to embrace the energy of this waning phase and Scorpio season, and let the tarot be your tool for guidance.
Are you prepared for the upcoming week? Just like the Full Moon has passed, we are now in the waning phase and entering Scorpio season. This is the time when the veil between the two worlds becomes thin, and the perfect opportunity for mischief and magic. It's also the ideal time to seek guidance from the tarot and ask any burning questions that may be on your mind. So why not give it a try this week? Whether you read your own cards or have someone else do it for you, let the tarot reveal the pressing question that needs to be answered.

For Aries, the Seven of Cups is the chosen card for this week. It's time to make your wildest fantasies come true, no matter how crazy they may seem. Don't hold back, live your life to the fullest and make your dreams a reality. After all, our imaginations are what bring about change and progress. So don't be afraid to plant the seeds of your desired future and watch them grow.

As for Taurus, the Wheel of Fortune is the card that has been drawn for you this week. It's time for a change, and there's one area of your life that could use a refresh. It may be difficult for you to embrace change, but it's necessary for growth and renewal. Start by acknowledging what needs to be changed and take the first step towards making it happen.

For Gemini, The Tower has revealed itself as the guiding card for this week. It's time to let go of something that is no longer serving you and may even be causing harm. This could be a role, commitment, habit, behavior, or even a person. Be brave and admit what you need to remove from your life for your own well-being. It may be scary, but it will bring about positive change.

Cancer, the Four of Cups is your card for this week. Take a moment to stop and appreciate all the blessings in your life that you may have been taking for granted. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that attracts more good things into our lives. So take a break from always wanting more and be thankful for what you have, because life is good.

Leo, the Three of Coins has been drawn for you this week. It's time to reach out and ask for help from those around you who have the knowledge, experience, and expertise that you may need. Don't try to do everything alone, as you'll be able to go further and faster with the assistance of others. Identify what you need help with and start the process of finding the right people to support you.

For Virgo, the Two of Swords is the chosen card for this week. It's time to stop procrastinating and make a decision on a pressing matter that has been weighing on your mind. Don't wait for the perfect answer, as it may never come. Just make the best decision with the information you have and keep moving forward. Stagnation is not an option.

In conclusion, each zodiac sign has a unique card for this week, providing guidance and insights on what needs to be focused on. So take a moment to reflect on the question revealed by your card and use it as a reminder to live your best life. And remember, if you need more information on your zodiac sign, head over to the website for everything you need to know.

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