Today's horoscope: Check out your astrological predictions for August 22nd, 2023 to see what's in store for your star sign.

Keep going, a shift is coming soon.

August 21st 2023.

Today's horoscope: Check out your astrological predictions for August 22nd, 2023 to see what's in store for your star sign.
It's almost Virgo season and that means it's time to get down to business and finish those tasks you've been procrastinating on. It's also a busy time in the skies with both Mercury and Uranus retrogrades coming up. Today, Taurus may have difficulty saying no while Capricorn is feeling stubborn over a decision.

To help you out, here's a look at the horoscope for August 2nd, 2023.

March 21 to April 20

You have the power to make your dreams come true, Aries. Don't let your doubts get in the way of progress. It's easier to take the path of least resistance than to take on a challenge, but if you really want it, then some effort is required. Believe in yourself and you can make it happen!

April 21 to May 21

Saying no can be difficult when you feel sorry for someone and don't want to hurt them. Over the next day or so, it may be hard to be honest with someone, but it's better to rock the boat and cause temporary upset than to let yourself get into future trouble.

May 22 to June 21

Flattery can get you far, so be sure to praise your partners and colleagues and encourage them in their plans. However, with the Mars/Neptune aspect, it might be better to keep things civil and not reveal the truth. Just make sure you don't go too far with it.

June 22 to July 23

It's important to set boundaries with people, especially if you're feeling pushed into doing things you don't want to do. With the Mars/Neptune aspect peaking, it's time to let someone know exactly how you feel. Firm up those boundaries, Cancer!

July 24 to August 23

Today, you may be too trusting and could end up losing money or being taken advantage of. Be skeptical and question any flaws in plans that come your way. Don't be afraid to ask questions and expect interesting answers.

August 24 to September 23

If your feelings have been getting in the way of progress, it's time to take decisive action. Stop trying to figure out the best way forward and just do it. You can do this, Virgo!

September 24 to October 23

It's time to take a break and do something nice for yourself. While it's not always easy to take time off, it's important to recharge your batteries. Indulge and enjoy yourself, Libra!

October 24 to November 22

The dreamy Mars/Neptune aspect could be a sign of a possible romance. If you've been attracted to someone for some time, this could be your moment. But if you're in a current relationship, this aspect could add some much needed magic. Listen to your instincts and act on them.

November 23 to December 21

With Mercury turning retrograde and the Mars/Neptune opposition peaking, things could go awry and you could make mistakes you'd rather avoid. Hold back from making any commitments or deals and watch out for confusion.

December 22 to January 21

Don't let anyone think they can push you around. You may be willing to help if asked nicely, but don't let anyone talk down to you or be rude. Make sure they respect you, Capricorn.

January 22 to February 19

Someone in a position of responsibility could make a mistake, so make sure you go over every detail twice. Money could be involved, so make your position clear and avoid any confusion.

February 20 to March 20

It's time to deal with an issue in your relationship. Don't put it off any longer. The Neptunian vibes could make it seem like you've found the perfect person, but don't be too quick to jump into something. Take the time to get to know them better.

For deeper insight into your star sign, check out our horoscope page every morning, seven days a week. You can also get a unique personal horoscope based on your time, date, and place of birth.

Do you have a story to share? Get in touch by emailing email.

If you're looking for more guidance, check out our weekly tarot horoscope for August 21st to August 27th and your star sign's tarot horoscope for the month of August 2023. And if you're interested in reading tarot cards, here are some things to remember.

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