January 30th 2025.
The Magician reveals that you are ready, you have the skills, the energy, the vision, you just need to embrace the opportunity and go for it. This is a game changer for you career wise, and it will feel like it too.
The month of January has finally come to an end, and we now welcome the exciting month of February. This month is packed with various astrological events that will surely bring a sense of adventure to our relationships, especially in terms of love. On February 4th, Venus will enter Aries, while Jupiter will turn direct in Gemini. These transits will bring a refreshing energy to our love lives and encourage us to go on exciting adventures with our partners.
As we approach Valentine's Day, the Full Moon in Leo on February 12th will spark our creativity and help us connect with our heart's desires. It's the perfect time to express our love and appreciation for our significant other. And on February 19th, we enter the dreamy Pisces season, which will increase our intuition and interest in spiritual practices. We will also feel a strong sense of empathy towards those around us.
The month will end with a New Moon in Pisces on February 28th, amplifying all the energies mentioned above. It's a perfect time to harness this magical energy and manifest our dreams and desires. Now, let's take a look at what the tarot cards have in store for each zodiac sign in February 2025.
Aries (March 21 - April 20):
This month is all about authenticity for you, Aries. The tarot cards drawn for you are Judgment, Ten of Cups, and Six of Swords. These cards remind you that when you are true to yourself, your relationships will improve. Be honest and vulnerable, and you will reap the rewards. You will gain new insights about yourself, and you will have the courage to let go of old beliefs and behaviors. This will lead to a rekindling and reinvention of your closest relationships, and you will attract new friends and love into your life.
Taurus (April 21 - May 21):
Be cautious of a love triangle this month, Taurus. The tarot cards drawn for you are Queen of Wands, Knight of Coins, and The Lovers. This could be a romantic love triangle or a conflict between family, friends, or colleagues. The key is to bridge the gap and make a grounded decision. Follow your heart, but also consider your head. Trust your instincts and align your actions with your choice.
Gemini (May 22 - June 21):
It's time for redemption, Gemini. The tarot cards drawn for you are Queen of Swords, The High Priestess, and Justice. You have kept quiet about an unfair situation in the past, and now it's time to speak up. Listen to someone wise and respected, and take their advice. You will be rewarded for your patience and resilience, and this experience will make you stronger and more independent.
Cancer (June 22 - July 23):
Repair and restoration are in store for you this month, Cancer. The tarot cards drawn for you are The Sun, Seven of Swords, and The Hierophant. You are wise, but you also have blind spots. Listen to someone else's perspective on a situation that you can't see clearly. The truth will be revealed, and you will be able to banish any negativity or harm from your life.
Leo (July 24 - August 23):
Let go and rebuild, Leo. The tarot cards drawn for you are King of Cups, The Emperor, and The Tower. Something will fall apart this month, but it's for the best. It's time to let go of something that is toxic or false. The root cause of this is an unhealthy power dynamic, and it's time to restore balance. You will come out wiser and relieved that this is over.
Virgo (August 24 - September 23):
Create new pathways, Virgo. The tarot cards drawn for you are Five of Wands, The Hermit, and The Magician. Embrace your challenges and face them head on. This will lead to a magical outcome and a new opportunity in your career. You have the skills and vision to achieve your goals, and this month, you will be prepared for the next chapter in your life.
As we say goodbye to the long month of January, February greets us with a new wave of astrological events. Venus enters Aries and Jupiter turns direct in Gemini on February 4, bringing a sense of adventure to our relationships, especially in matters of the heart. The Full Moon in Leo on February 12 encourages us to tap into our creativity and connect with our deepest desires, just in time for Valentine's Day. And with dreamy Pisces season starting on February 19, we can expect to feel more intuitive and drawn towards spiritual practices, as well as having a strong sense of empathy towards others. The month ends with a powerful New Moon in Pisces on February 28, amplifying all of the energy and magic. How will you harness this cosmic energy?
Read on to discover your personalized tarot horoscope for February 2025, with three tarot cards drawn for each zodiac sign and their meanings explained.
Aries (March 21 to April 20)
February is all about authenticity for you, Aries. The tarot cards drawn for you this month are Judgment, Ten of Cups, and Six of Swords. This is a time for you to truly understand and embrace your authentic self, as it will bring improvements to all of your relationships. Be honest and vulnerable, and you will find support and understanding. Judgment signals a time of self-discovery and insight into your true desires and frustrations. Use this newfound knowledge to leave behind old beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you, as shown by the Six of Swords. Your relationships will thrive as a result, and you may even attract new friends and love interests who appreciate your genuine self.
Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
Love is in the air for you this month, Taurus. The tarot cards drawn for you are Queen of Wands, Knight of Coins, and The Lovers. You may find yourself in a love triangle, whether it be romantic, familial, or even with colleagues. The Lovers card shows a decision that needs to be made, and you may feel conflicted between the passionate energy of the Queen of Wands and the practical approach of the Knight of Coins. Trust your instincts and bridge the gap between opposing forces to make a grounded decision. Whatever the outcome, know that you have the strength and resilience to handle it.
Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
Time for redemption, Gemini. The tarot cards drawn for you are Queen of Swords, The High Priestess, and Justice. You have been holding onto a situation from 2024 that was not fair or kind to you. The Queen of Swords represents your fortitude and resilience in remaining dignified and patient. This has now become a part of your character, and Justice shows that you will be rewarded for it this month. The High Priestess reveals that this experience has taught you to rely on yourself and appreciate your own strength. You can get through anything, and this month is a reminder of that.
Cancer (June 22 to July 23)
Repair and restoration, Cancer. The tarot cards drawn for you are The Sun, Seven of Swords, and The Hierophant. You are a wise and knowing person, but sometimes we all have blind spots. Listen to the perspective of someone you respect, as they may have insight into a situation that you can't see clearly. The Hierophant represents this wise observer, and the Seven of Swords shows that they can see harm being done to you that you may not be aware of. Listen to their advice and take action. The Sun promises that when you do, the shadows will disappear and the sun will shine once again.
Leo (July 24 to August 23)
Let it collapse and get ready to rebuild, Leo. The tarot cards drawn for you are King of Cups, The Emperor, and The Tower. Something may fall apart this month, and it's important to let it happen. The Tower signals the end of something that is false or toxic, and The Emperor reveals an unhealthy power dynamic at the root of it. The King of Cups shows that your emotional intelligence will guide you through this change, and you will come out wiser and relieved that it is over. Trust that this is for the best and that something new and better will take its place.
Virgo (August 24 to September 23)
Create new pathways, Virgo. The tarot cards drawn for you are Five of Wands, The Hermit, and The Magician. This month, embrace any challenges that come your way and face them head on. The Five of Wands suggests that you are feeling discomfort in a situation, and it's time to address it. The Hermit shows that this will lead to an enlightening outcome and a new goal or ambition. The Magician represents your ability to manifest your desires and create new pathways for yourself. Trust in your inner wisdom and use it to guide you towards a brighter future.
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