Outrage has been expressed over a cervical cancer campaign, with claims it inappropriately "sexualises" smear tests.

Did someone think this was a good plan?

November 22nd 2023.

Outrage has been expressed over a cervical cancer campaign, with claims it inappropriately
People have been expressing their dissatisfaction with a cervical cancer screening campaign that has been accused of 'sexualising' the procedure. North West Cancer Research's strap line for the campaign is 'Don't Keep 'Em Crossed', featuring sculptures of bare crossed legs with pointed toes. The installation is currently at Manchester's Piccadilly Station, and the rates of cervical cancer in the region are 19% higher than the rest of England.

One woman on Mumsnet commented on the confusing legs with: “It looks like a promo for a lovely legs competition in a seaside resort in the 1970s.” The advert reads: “Our region’s cervical cancer rates are 19% higher than the rest of England. Yet almost 1 in 3 people aged 25-49 in the North West don’t attend their cervical screening leaving their risk of developing cervical cancer to chance.”

Viewers have not been impressed, and Debbie Cameron, a feminist campaigner and Oxford University professor, wrote on X: “What is the matter with people who design campaigns to encourage cervical cancer screening? 'Don't keep 'em crossed' is a line for a lech. The whole thing is objectifying and offensive.”

Another writer and feminist, Toni Hargis, said: “Can’t believe it. WHO thought this was a good idea? Sexualising a vital health procedure and using a phrase that’s employed to shame women.”

Many women have questioned how effective the advert will be in achieving its goals of getting more people to have their screenings. However, most smears are over within 10 minutes and should not cause pain. Those with a cervix can also ask for a smaller speculum if needed and listen to music to focus on something else.

Sophia Smith Galer, the author of Losing It, said of the misguided campaign: “Cervical screening campaigns like this put an onus of failure not on the healthcare systems that have failed to create a more comfortable screening, but on women and people themselves. These are traumatising for many of us beyond our control.”

Despite the backlash, Karen Swan, director of Influential – the advertising firm behind the campaign – has doubled down and said it was deliberately “playful and a bit cheeky” to “grab attention”. She described the Don’t Keep ‘em Crossed strapline as “perfect”.

A spokesperson for North West Cancer Research said: “Our campaign was designed by women, led by woman and it is their legs that feature in the photographs supporting the work. It is obviously disappointing to find that the style and tone of the approach we have taken on this occasion has caused some disquiet. We are going to reflect on all the comments we have received. The work was designed to draw attention to the underlying problem – which is people keeping things crossed and hoping for the best. We acknowledge there has been some negative reaction, but it does not reflect all the feedback we have received.”

They also mentioned that women at Manchester Piccadilly station have “come forward to share their stories and thank us for drawing attention to the issue”.

It is important to know the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, as well as the possible causes. The most common symptom is unusual bleeding, such as between periods, during sex or after the menopause. Other symptoms include pain during sex, smelly vaginal discharge and pain in the pelvis. Causes can include age, HPV infection, smoking, contraceptive pill and having children.

The campaign has certainly raised the issue of cervical cancer and the need for screenings, but it remains to be seen whether it will be successful in getting more people to have their screenings. If you have a story to share, get in touch by emailing email.

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