Fiona Bruce amazed by backstory of Muhammed Ali relic on Antiques Roadshow.

She was amazed.

January 21st 2024.

Fiona Bruce amazed by backstory of Muhammed Ali relic on Antiques Roadshow.
Fiona Bruce couldn't believe her eyes when she laid them on the Muhammad Ali sketch. It was a unique piece of artwork that was unveiled by an Irishman on the popular show Antiques Roadshow. The late heavyweight boxer had visited Mike's restaurant in 2003 during his stay for the Special Olympics. He had doodled on a napkin and generously allowed Mike to keep the sketch as a souvenir.

Raj Bisram, an expert on the show, estimated that the artwork, which even had food stains from where Ali had dabbed his mouth, was worth at least £6,000 to £8,000. Fiona, who was 59 at the time, was left in awe and remarked, "Of all the things we might see today... That's why I love this job. You never know what someone's going to bring along. And this has blown me away. But wow! What a brilliant, brilliant thing. You lucky man."

Before revealing the valuation, Raj, who was 68 years old, asked Mike how he had come to possess such a unique item. Mike explained that one night he had received a call at his restaurant for a table of eight people, and to his surprise, it was Muhammad Ali and his wife. Ali's wife had asked Mike if he could cut up the steak for her husband, who couldn't use his hands. Mike then asked his chef to cut up the steak but put it back together nicely. When he presented the dish to Ali and his wife, she was impressed by the presentation.

Mike then revealed that Ali had politely asked if he could draw on the napkin, and Mike happily obliged. Ali even asked for a pen to draw with, hoping that Mike would let him keep the sketch. After the meal, Mike asked Ali's wife if he could keep the napkin, and she happily agreed, impressed by their service.

Raj estimated that the sketch, which had Ali's signature and was addressed to Mike, was worth at least £6,000. Mike even joked that the napkin had Ali's DNA and pointed out some marks where the boxer had wiped food from his mouth. Raj also revealed that the sketch, called "The Guiding Light," was first drawn in 1979 by Ali and had been reproduced several times since.

In a recent episode of Antiques Roadshow, the crew was amazed by a family's heirlooms that had a connection to the royal family. The owner explained that the items had been passed down to him from an ancestor, Jock, who had saved King James V's life in the 14th century. Jock had heard a commotion on a bridge, and upon investigating, he saw a man being attacked. Jock helped fend off the attackers and then brought the injured man to his house to tend to his wounds.

As it turned out, the injured man was King James V, and as a gesture of gratitude, he gifted Jock and his descendants with land. The condition was that they must be available if the king or his descendants ever needed their help again. In 1822, during George IV's royal tour of Scotland, Jock's descendants were present to attend to the king with a basin of water, just as James V had requested three hundred years ago. The water used for the ceremony and the two vessels were presented on the show, leaving everyone amazed.

The Antiques Roadshow continues to surprise its viewers with unique and valuable items. If you have a story, video, or pictures to share, you can get in touch with the entertainment team by emailing them, calling them, or visiting their Submit Stuff page. They would love to hear from you. The show airs on Sundays at 7 pm on BBC One and iPlayer.

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