Congresswoman Lee criticizes Nikki Haley for denying America's history of racism.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee criticizes Nikki Haley for denying America's history of racism.

January 21st 2024.

Congresswoman Lee criticizes Nikki Haley for denying America's history of racism.
In a recent CNN interview, California Democratic representative Barbara Lee expressed her disappointment with presidential candidate Nikki Haley's comments about racism in America. During Haley's appearance on Fox News, she was asked to respond to a comment made by an MSNBC host regarding the Republican Party. Fox News host Brian Kilmeade questioned Haley about her involvement in a "racist party." Haley responded by stating, "We're not a racist country, Brian. We've never been a racist country." She went on to explain that while America is not perfect, the goal is to constantly strive towards improvement and to uplift all individuals regardless of race, gender, or political party.

However, Congresswoman Lee found Haley's remarks to be offensive. She strongly believes that racism is deeply rooted in the history and culture of our country. Lee pointed out the genocide of Native Americans and the 250 years of enslavement of African Americans as clear examples of institutional racism. She also highlighted the current disparities in healthcare, employment, wealth, and housing that affect communities of color. For Lee, these are undeniable signs of the existence of systemic racism.

Lee also recalled a personal experience with racism while working in Congress. She shared how a white male prevented her from entering a members-only elevator, accusing her of stealing her Congress designation pin. Lee described this incident as an example of the everyday racism that people of color have to endure.

Furthermore, Lee referenced other remarks made by Haley at a New Hampshire town hall where she stated that America is no longer a racist country. However, Lee found it concerning that Haley neglected to mention slavery when discussing the cause of the Civil War. When pressed on the issue, Haley responded by saying, "What do you want me to say about slavery? [It was about] the freedoms of what people could and couldn't do." Lee, who is currently running for a seat in the Senate, called Haley's words "very dangerous" and "clueless."

The controversy surrounding Haley's comments has also caught the attention of filmmaker Ava DuVernay. She shared her thoughts on social media, stating that Haley's remarks were a "wake-up call" and that it is essential to acknowledge and confront the truth about America's history of racism.

In conclusion, Congresswoman Lee firmly believes that America's DNA is intertwined with racism and that it is crucial to acknowledge and address this issue. She hopes that by speaking out, she can bring attention to the ongoing battle against racism and promote unity and equality for all.

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