Find out what the week has in store for you with this weekly tarot horoscope for Aug 28-Sept 3.

Prepare yourself for the upcoming week!

August 27th 2023.

Find out what the week has in store for you with this weekly tarot horoscope for Aug 28-Sept 3.
This week is set to be one of the best of the year, with Uranus retrograde and a Full Blue Super Moon in Pisces. This is the perfect time to tap into our fortune telling, magical, and esoteric powers! The tarot cards this week are here to provide us with insight and guidance.

Aries (March 21–April 20): This week's tarot card for Aries is the Five of Coins. This card is a reminder to not be too proud to ask for help when we need it. We all go through difficult times, and it's important to find people we trust and open up to them. Don't be embarrassed to talk about what we feel we've done wrong. Seeking support from others is a strength, not a weakness.

Taurus (April 21–May 21): This week's tarot card for Taurus is the Six of Wands. It's time to celebrate our successes and share them with our inner circle. Don't be afraid to be generous and confident in our accomplishments. It will feel good to cheer ourselves and others on!

Gemini (May 22–June 21): The tarot card for Gemini this week is The Empress. It's time to stop pretending to be so tough and serious. We have a big heart and are loyal and loving. Don't be afraid to show our feelings and accept that we are deeply loved.

Cancer (June 22–July 23): The tarot card for Cancer this week is the Seven of Wands. This card is a reminder to fight for our beliefs and stand up for ourselves. We have the power to win through our assertiveness and proactive attitude.

Leo (July 24–August 23): The tarot card for Leo this week is the Five of Swords. This card asks us to use our intuition to guide us towards a truce or compromise to end a feud or dispute. We can be the bigger person and end this now.

Virgo (August 24–September 23): The tarot card for Virgo this week is the Eight of Coins. This card is a reminder that even though we may be ready to give up on a task or relationship, there is still work to be done and rewards to be had. We need to take a pause and try a different approach to make a breakthrough.

Head to the link provided for more information about each sign! With the special energy of this week, let's use our tarot cards to find clarity and peace.
This week is packed with exciting astrological events! Uranus is retrograde and a Full Blue Super Moon in Pisces is upon us. It's the perfect time to embrace your spiritual and psychic powers. Tarot readings can provide guidance and insight.

Aries, the tarot card for you this week is the Five of Coins. This card is a reminder that it's okay to ask for help and accept support from those around you. Don't be too proud to open up and share your worries. Find people you trust and connect with them.

Taurus, the tarot card for you this week is the Six of Wands. Embrace the successes you have achieved and don't be afraid to share them with your inner circle. Celebrate yourself and your accomplishments. Find ways to show others that you are confident and generous.

Gemini, the tarot card for you this week is the Empress. It's time to open up and accept your loyal and loving nature. Don't be too hard on yourself and don't be afraid to embrace your feelings. You are deeply loved and supported by those around you.

Cancer, the tarot card for you this week is the Seven of Wands. You have the strength to stand up and fight. Don't be afraid to be assertive and embrace your power. Develop your game plan and battle strategy. You will be vindicated.

Leo, the tarot card for you this week is the Five of Swords. It's time to find healing and resolution. Listen to your intuition and consider the best way to end a long-standing dispute. Be the bigger person and find the route that will bring you peace.

Virgo, the tarot card for you this week is the Eight of Coins. Don't give up! There is still work to be done and rewards to be enjoyed. Take a pause and ponder a different approach. Try a couple of ideas out and see the results.

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