Andy Cole, a Manchester United legend, described Arsenal as 'okay' while he thinks Liverpool and Tottenham are 'terrible'.

What would the standings be if every team played to their full potential?

February 27th 2023.

Andy Cole, a Manchester United legend, described Arsenal as 'okay' while he thinks Liverpool and Tottenham are 'terrible'.
Andy Cole has expressed his doubts about the quality of the Premier League's top teams this season, suggesting that Manchester United should not get too excited about their recent success. He believes that even Arsenal at the top of the table have only been 'okay' while Manchester City have underwhelmed and the likes of Liverpool and Spurs have been 'terrible'.

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Mikel Arteta has had a brilliant campaign with the Gunners, but Cole has warned that it would be tough for United to win the title next season given the opposition. He believes that the Red Devils must add more quality in the summer and maintain their consistency in order to compete.

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