Fascism won't become the norm in the West - we must focus on identifying the true enemies.

Reader believes that according to MetroTalk, Trump's America considers Iran, North Korea, and to a lesser extent, China as enemies.

January 26th 2025.

Fascism won't become the norm in the West - we must focus on identifying the true enemies.
In the eyes of one reader, Iran, North Korea, and to some extent, China, are all enemies of America under Trump's leadership. What do you think about this opinion? Feel free to share your thoughts on this and other current MetroTalk topics in the comments section.

On the topic of Trump and fascism, one reader argues that while the US is currently a democracy, it could potentially shift towards fascism with the right amount of power in the hands of the wrong leader. This is demonstrated by Germany in the 1920s and early 1930s, when it was also a democracy before falling under the control of a fascist leader. The reader also points out that Trump and Elon Musk should not be labeled as fascists without a proper understanding of what that ideology truly entails.

Another reader chimes in, stating that right-wing politics has become the norm in the West due to the inability to control mass immigration. They also note that the Labour government is an outlier in this trend, with few allies abroad. They argue that Trump is not an ideologue, but rather a conservative and populist who values business and lower prices. They also point out that his loose talking style is simply a cover for his diminishing energy, and being narcissistic and vindictive does not automatically make one a fascist.

Shifting the focus to the UK, one reader expresses concern about the rise of right-wing politicians and the dangers they pose, similar to those seen in the US with Trump. They praise Labour for at least trying to do what is best for the country, unlike the right-wing politicians who are only looking out for themselves.

On the topic of who is responsible for Trump's return to power, one reader argues that it is the fault of the liberal left for their policies that have caused problems such as open borders, mass immigration, and cancel culture. They also point out that most major cities in the US are run by left-wing Democrats and are suffering from high levels of crime. Another reader adds that the woke liberal agenda is not what most people want, and it is time for change.

In response to a reader's call for Trump to come to the UK and criticize the government, another reader argues that this is not a display of patriotism, but rather a misplaced love for a foreign leader. They suggest that if someone truly loves Trump, they should go live in the US. The article ends by encouraging readers to share their thoughts on these topics and others in the comment section.

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