Experts recommend setting your thermostat to 80 degrees when it's 100 degrees outside.

Most air conditioning systems can only handle a 20-degree difference between outside and inside temperatures.

June 26th 2024.

Experts recommend setting your thermostat to 80 degrees when it's 100 degrees outside.
Summer has officially arrived, bringing with it the hot, sweltering weather that we all know and love. However, as we crank up our air conditioners in an attempt to combat the heat, one power company is offering some valuable advice. Alabama Power is urging people not to turn down their thermostats too much, even as temperatures continue to rise. According to Atlanta News First, the company suggests following the 20-degree rule, which means keeping your thermostat at a temperature no more than 20 degrees cooler than the outside temperature.

At first, this rule may seem a bit counterintuitive. After all, don't we all want our homes to be a cool oasis from the blistering summer heat? But Alabama Power's spokesperson, Anthony Cook, assures us that following this rule will actually save us money in the long run. As the temperatures soar and the demand for electricity increases, our bills can quickly skyrocket. By sticking to the 20-degree rule, we can avoid breaking the bank while still keeping our homes at a comfortable temperature.

Cook also explains that the 20-degree rule is based on industry standards for air conditioning systems. Most units are only designed to handle a 20-degree difference between the outside and inside temperatures. So, if it's 80 degrees outside and we set our thermostat to 70, our unit will have no problem keeping up. But if the outside temperature climbs to 90 degrees or higher, our unit will have to work overtime to try and reach the desired temperature, resulting in wasted energy and higher bills.

It's important to keep in mind that during the summer, the demand for electricity is at its highest, which also means higher prices for consumers. So while we may be tempted to turn our thermostats down to arctic temperatures, we'll ultimately be paying the price when our bills come in. Instead, we should strive to find a balance between staying cool and being mindful of our budget.

In the end, it's all about being conscious of our energy usage and making smart decisions to save money while still staying comfortable during the hot summer months. So, let's all take Alabama Power's advice and keep our thermostats at a reasonable temperature, not only for our wallets but also for the environment. And while we're at it, we can also check out these amazing black-owned swimwear brands to help us stay summertime fine.

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