Elderly man injured severely after falling on large pothole, sustaining spinal and facial injuries.

A 57-year-old man went through a tough emergency surgery to put in 6-7 metal plates in his spine.

October 7th 2024.

Elderly man injured severely after falling on large pothole, sustaining spinal and facial injuries.
Darren Lucas, a 57-year-old grandfather from Abergavenny, Wales, was simply returning to his home one evening when an unfortunate accident changed his life forever. As he walked along the lane outside his house, he tripped over a pothole that stretched 10 feet long and landed face first on the hard concrete. The impact left him with a large lump on his head, a bloody face, and a cut on his leg. In excruciating pain, he immediately went to the hospital, where he was given painkillers and sent home. Little did he know, his spine had been seriously injured in the fall.

Despite visiting doctors and hospitals multiple times in the following months due to numbness in his limbs, it wasn't until a year later that the full extent of his injuries were discovered. In March of 2022, Darren collapsed and was rushed to the hospital where an MRI finally revealed that his spine had been broken in three places. What followed was a grueling emergency surgery to insert metal plates into his spine, 11 days recovering in the ICU, and a painful journey of learning to walk again with the help of a zimmer frame. However, the injuries have left Darren struggling to walk and in constant fear of future falls.

To make matters worse, it has been alleged that the pothole responsible for Darren's injuries had been reported to the Monmouthshire County Council by his neighbors years before the accident. One neighbor, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims to have reported the pothole around six years ago, but no action was taken. Darren himself reported the pothole to the housing association after the fall, as he believed they owned the road. However, it was later discovered that the road was owned by the county council.

Darren and his family are frustrated that the council refuses to take responsibility for the accident and the life-changing injuries he has suffered. He says that the pothole was only filled in with concrete after his solicitor contacted the council, and they still deny any fault. Now, Darren plans to move out of his house due to the traumatic memories associated with it.

Despite going to physiotherapy every two weeks and being able to walk with the aid of a stick, Darren still experiences a lot of pain and has trouble moving his neck. He feels as though he has been "chucked on the scrapheap" and is dependent on his wife for daily tasks. He worries that he could have been paralyzed for life if the incident had been any worse. He is determined to hold the council accountable and will continue to fight for justice.

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