Eddie Murphy revealed he only paid a modest sum for the original painting of his hit song "Sugar Shack" - 50 thousand dollars.

Eddie Murphy bought the first "Sugar Shack" painting for $50,000, while the copy went for over $15 million.

March 6th 2023.

Eddie Murphy revealed he only paid a modest sum for the original painting of his hit song

Eddie Murphy, an iconic Black comedic legend, revealed during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live that he owns the original 'Sugar Shack' painting, which was originally featured as the album art for Marvin Gaye’s I Want You in 1976. It became even more well-known after being featured in the credits of the sitcom, Good Times, from 1974 to 1979 and making Jimmie Walker a star. Murphy paid $50,000 for it from Gaye's estate after his death. Last year, the painting sold at Christie’s auction for over $15 million after only 10 minutes on the auction block, setting a record for a Barnes painting. The painting was recently displayed at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas.

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