Ed Fringe show w/period detail making men faint due to graphic nature.

They were not successful.

August 18th 2024.

Ed Fringe show w/period detail making men faint due to graphic nature.
Marjolein Robertson, a comedian performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, has been making headlines for her show that has been causing some men to faint and others to leave. It's not because her jokes are bad, but because her show touches on a very personal and intense subject for her - her own near-death experience at the age of 16.

At that young age, Marjolein suffered from an internal haemorrhage that she initially thought was just a heavy period. But it turned out to be much more serious, and she had to undergo two blood transfusions and spend three days in the hospital. If her mother hadn't taken her in, she could have bled out and died at home during the night. Now, she's bravely sharing her story through her show, "Marjolein Robertson: O," but it seems that some men are unable to handle it.

According to Marjolein, three men have fainted at her shows and nine others have left early, with the majority of them being men. She believes that it's the latter half of her show that triggers such reactions, specifically when she talks about her injections, the implant she had, and her condition - adenomyosis - which causes her to haemorrhage from the inside of her body.

She even finds it amusing that two men have run out upon hearing the word "hysterectomy." But it's not just the graphic descriptions of her medical condition that have caused some to faint, it's also the visual element - at the start of her show, Marjolein squirts blood out of a mannequin's headless neck, representing the amount of blood she lost the night she almost died.

Despite the fainting incidents, Marjolein is grateful to those who have managed to sit through her entire show without any issues. However, she recently discovered that one woman actually left within the first minute of the show because she couldn't handle the graphic nature of it.

Marjolein's show aims to raise awareness about adenomyosis, a condition where the lining of the uterus grows into the muscular wall, causing intense pain and heavy bleeding. She herself was only able to get a diagnosis after years of suffering, and even with a diagnosis, there is still no cure. Marjolein wants to shed light on this condition and the struggles that many women face due to the lack of understanding and awareness.

Interestingly, Marjolein's show is not the only one causing fainting incidents at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Comedians Matt Forde and Ed Patrick have also had audience members faint during their shows, and improv performer Michael Kunze had to pause his show when an audience member got sick and vomited all over the "splash zone" (the front row).

There are various theories as to why these incidents have been happening, with some attributing it to the heat and others suggesting that it could be a result of Marjolein's and other performers' graphic descriptions. But regardless of the reasons, Marjolein is determined to continue her show and spread awareness about adenomyosis. She believes that it's important for people to know the truth about her experience and the struggle that many others face.

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