Earning £14,200 from renting out clothes to strangers.

I've made thousands since then.

June 22nd 2024.

Earning £14,200 from renting out clothes to strangers.
Fashion has always been a passion of mine. From a young age, I found that clothing was the perfect way for me to express my individuality. However, as someone who didn't have a lot of money to spend, I had to get creative with my fashion choices. I loved mixing high-end pieces with more affordable items from places like H&M and Zara. As I grew older, my love for shopping only intensified and it became my favorite hobby.

But as we all know, trends come and go in the blink of an eye. I found myself constantly buying from fast fashion sites just to keep up with the latest styles. The problem with this was that the quality of these clothes was often lacking and they didn't last very long. Looking back, I dread to think about how much money I've spent on clothes over the years.

By October 2019, my wardrobe was a cluttered mess. I had so many clothes, yet I always felt like I had nothing to wear. It was a cycle that I knew I needed to break. That's when I discovered By Rotation, a clothing rental app that had just launched at the time. I decided to give it a try and see if I could declutter my wardrobe and make some extra cash by renting out some of my more expensive pieces.

At first, I didn't take it very seriously. But during my second pregnancy in 2021, I began to realize just how much my body had changed. My old clothes just didn't fit the same way anymore. It was then that I fully committed to renting out my clothes on By Rotation. I decluttered my wardrobe and invested in some new pieces that flattered my post-pregnancy body. And I thought, why not share these beautiful dresses with others through the app?

To my surprise, my dresses were an instant hit on By Rotation. Not only was I reigniting my love for fashion, but I was also making some serious money. As a mom planning to go back to work part-time, this extra income was a game changer. I started to think more consciously about the clothes I bought, knowing that they could potentially be rented out to others.

Managing my rentals was simple and I quickly built a reputation on the app, with clients coming to me for my trusted and stylish pieces. I've learned that demand for certain items varies by season, with summer being a popular time for dresses and bags, and the holiday season for party wear. This has also changed the way I shop, as I now avoid fast fashion and think about how my purchases could benefit others through renting.

What sets By Rotation apart from other rental apps is the sense of community it creates. It doesn't feel like a cold transaction, but rather like sharing and swapping clothes with friends. As a mom, it can be isolating at times, so I'm grateful to have found a community of like-minded women through renting out my wardrobe.

What started as a way to declutter and make some extra cash has turned into so much more than a side hustle. By Rotation has not only allowed me to make thousands of pounds, but it has also changed the way I think about fashion and the impact it can have on others. So, to all my fellow fashion lovers out there, I highly recommend giving clothing rental a try. You never know, it could become your new favorite hobby.

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