During a school trip, a boy tumbled off a cliff while someone was taking his picture.

During a field trip, there was an incident.

June 23rd 2024.

During a school trip, a boy tumbled off a cliff while someone was taking his picture.
A shocking incident took place at the picturesque Old Harry Rocks in Studland, Dorset. It involved a 15-year-old boy who fell 60ft down a cliff while supposedly posing for a photo. The teenager was part of a geography school trip and had taken some time to relax at the famous rocks. Little did he know that his moment of downtime would turn into a terrifying ordeal.

As the students looked on in horror, the boy suddenly disappeared from the edge of the cliffs. A 999 call was made, reporting that he had fallen from the cliffs. Emergency services quickly arrived at the scene, fearing the worst. However, to their surprise, they found the boy relatively unharmed. He had landed on a shingle bed at the base of the cliffs and was able to walk towards the shore.

Despite a cut on his head and a scratch on his back, the victim was fortunate to have escaped with minor injuries. The coastguard team was amazed by his luck and the absence of any serious harm. The ambulance crew checked him over and confirmed that he did not require hospital treatment.

According to Ian Brown of the Swanage coastguard, the boy had ignored warning signs and ventured too close to the edge of the cliff. He had asked a friend to take his photo, and in the process, he fell over the edge. It was a sheer drop of 60ft, and it's uncertain whether he lost his footing or slipped. His teachers were understandably distressed, while his classmates feared the worst. However, they were relieved to see him get up and walk towards the shore.

When Mr. Brown spoke to the boy, he seemed unfazed by the incident. He even shrugged it off and said he was fine. His teachers, on the other hand, were trying to make him understand the severity of the situation. It was a lucky escape, and the authorities wanted to investigate further to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

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