Don't make this mistake on your commute that could ruin your career.

Many of us are unknowingly engaging in this behavior!

September 17th 2024.

Don't make this mistake on your commute that could ruin your career.
Have you ever found yourself doing something you shouldn't while using public transportation? We've all been there - following the standard safety protocol of reporting any suspicious behavior or items, keeping a watchful eye on our personal belongings, and being considerate of our fellow passengers. These are routine practices for millions of people in the UK who rely on public transportation to get to work each day.

But amidst our efforts to ensure our own safety while commuting, it seems that many of us are guilty of one common mistake that could potentially put our jobs at risk. A recent study by Kaspersky, a cybersecurity company, has revealed that a significant number of commuters engage in risky behaviors while on the go, which could lead to a data breach or violation of privacy for their workplace.

According to the research, a staggering two-thirds of commuters admit to writing work emails while riding public transportation, while 29% openly work on important documents without regard for who may be looking over their shoulder. Furthermore, 35% have overheard sensitive business details during phone conversations, with a quarter of them picking up on identifiable business names and specific workplace locations. Uh-oh.

As the saying goes, "loose lips sink ships," and it's crucial to remember that we never know who could be sitting near us. The person across from us may actually be a cybercriminal, and we may have unknowingly given them valuable information. Kaspersky has warned commuters to also be mindful of concealing any highly sensitive visual cues, such as work badges, personal IDs, email signatures, and workplace locations while using public transportation.

David Emm, Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky, explains the potential consequences of exposing sensitive information in a public setting: "Many of us are unknowingly leaving breadcrumbs for others to follow during our daily commute, including business names, contact details, and other sensitive information. If this information falls into the wrong hands, the consequences could be massive and easily traceable. Whether it's a financial deal, legal case, or patient data, exposing such details in public could have significant consequences for both the business and the individual responsible."

He adds, "Even seemingly less critical information, like internal processes or casual work discussions, could still be valuable to a targeted attacker looking to gain a foothold in the organization. In these cases, the long-term damage may be just as significant, if not more so, than a direct breach."

Emm also points out that certain industries, such as finance, healthcare, and law, have strict policies against working in unsecured public spaces, as data protection is paramount. In these sectors, accessing sensitive information outside of secure environments could result in serious consequences, including disciplinary action, legal repercussions, and significant damage to the company's reputation.

However, for some, working during their commute is non-negotiable, and the travel time is necessary to get the job done. In response to this, Kaspersky has partnered with the etiquette experts at Debrett's to create a Guide to Digital Discretion, aimed at helping individuals keep their devices safe while using public transportation.

Some tips from the guide include finding an isolated seat if you need to work on confidential documents to avoid "shoulder surfers" and being mindful of "window watchers" who may be able to see your screen's reflection in a dark window behind you. It also suggests texting sensitive information instead of speaking over the phone, if possible.

Liz Wyse, Head of Publishing at Debrett's, emphasizes the importance of being aware of our surroundings while using digital devices in public: "Many of us are so engrossed in our digital devices that we become lost in the illusion that we are in our own private bubble. However, in a public setting, where we may be subjected to close and potentially malicious surveillance, it's crucial to safeguard our own cyber security. Being observant of those around us is not only good manners, but it's also a vital tool in protecting our privacy."

Do you have a story about your experience with working during your commute? We would love to hear from you! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below or by emailing us at [insert email]. Let's stay safe and mindful while using public transportation.

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