Dog ripped off man's testicles before attacking woman.

He writhed on the floor, screaming "It's got my groin!"

December 28th 2023.

Dog ripped off man's testicles before attacking woman.
In a shocking incident, a man was left writhing in pain after his seven stone XL Bully dog latched onto his testicles and ripped them off. The incident, which took place on October 10 in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, required the man to get eight stitches to his manhood.

The man's partner, Lynsey Kelly, recounted the incident to The Sun. She said that he was "writhing on the floor and said 'it's grabbed my b*****ks'". Even after the dog, Envie, stopped attacking the man, it then turned onto Lynsey and bit her shin. She was rushed to hospital and is still recovering from her injuries.

Unfortunately, Envie was euthanised after the attack and the man's testicles were successfully reattached to him.

This horrific incident follows another attack by an XL Bully in Wales. Scott Thurston, 32, was bitten by the two-year-old dog Hank on August 2 during a sexual encounter. He sustained bites to his left forearm and chin, but declined to go to hospital. The pet was later shut in a downstairs room and was eventually euthanised by police on August 19.

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