Did your password make the list of most popular pop culture choices?

Some may catch you off guard.

May 31st 2024.

Did your password make the list of most popular pop culture choices?
Have you ever used any of these as your password? We understand, you've probably heard countless warnings about the dangers of reusing passwords, blah blah blah. Despite the constant reminders and the fact that cyberattacks happen every day, people still continue to use the same passwords for multiple accounts. But even if you're one of those who believe in having different passwords for different websites, how secure are those passwords really?

Well, if you're using the names of famous people, bands, or sports teams, the answer is "not very secure." Recent analysis by Mailsuite, a smart inbox company, revealed the most common pop culture passwords found in data breaches - and some of them might surprise you. For instance, the most popular band used as a password is Blink-182, with a whopping 482,244 instances in leaked data. Yes, the same pop-punk rockers who dominated the music scene in the early 2000s have now become a go-to for password choices.

Eminem, the solo artist, is also a popular choice, appearing 286,263 times. He is followed by 50 Cent and Shakira, with 267,691 and 57,848 appearances respectively. While the data does not indicate the age of the users, it gives off major Millennial vibes, which is disappointing considering they were the first generation of digital natives.

But not all pop culture passwords are outdated. In terms of actors, Zac Efron tops the list with 24,268 appearances, followed by Brad Pitt (18,152) and Johnny Depp (17,314). Other popular names include Al Pacino, Will Smith, and Tom Cruise. However, the most popular pop culture password of all time is none other than Superman, with a shocking 584,697 instances. But let's face it, using such an obvious password is not very "super."

Superheroes and popular film franchises also make the list, with Batman at 352,422 instances, Star Wars at 323,546, and Spider-Man at 253,179. But here's a tip - don't follow the trend. Using common names or titles as passwords makes it easier for hackers to access your accounts. And speaking of popular names, Barbie, the star of the 2023 film, also made the list with 186,730 appearances.

According to Gediminas Brencius, head of product for NordPass, "Unfortunately, what is trending worldwide in the movie scene is often trending in our passwords. The same logic applies to sports, music, food, and other things people enjoy. Our passwords are predictable, which is the best gift for hackers."

Other notable mentions include Pikachu, the most used video game character with 96,430 appearances, and Minecraft, the most used video game with 215,934 instances. With the increasing number of passwords we need to remember for our online accounts, it's understandable why many resort to using easy-to-remember words or the same password for multiple sites. But this can have major consequences, from being locked out of your accounts to having your identity or savings stolen.

So, what can you do to keep your online world safe? For starters, create strong passwords with random sequences of letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using common words or sequences. You can even throw in an emoji for added security. Another helpful tip is to use a password manager, especially if you have multiple accounts. It eliminates the need to remember all your passwords and ensures they are strong and unique.

Additionally, always turn on two-step authentication when offered. This adds an extra layer of security in case a hacker gains access to your password. And if you want to take your online security to the next level, try using passkeys instead of passwords. These use biometric data like fingerprints, face scans, or screen lock PINs, making it nearly impossible for hackers to access your accounts. Stay safe out there!

[This article has been trending online recently and has been generated with AI. Your feed is customized.]
