Dangerous trend of lacing vapes and drinks with 100 drugs, posing a serious threat to consumers.

People may be unknowingly given a vape without understanding what they are inhaling.

May 11th 2024.

Dangerous trend of lacing vapes and drinks with 100 drugs, posing a serious threat to consumers.
The police have recently issued a warning to the public, stating that vapes are the newest danger to watch out for. Shockingly, nearly one million individuals fell victim to spiked drinks in the past year, as this offense has been on the rise throughout the UK. According to reports, there were 6,732 incidents of spiking in England and Wales between May 2022 and April 2023. However, senior police officers believe that this number is only the tip of the iceberg, as spiking is heavily underreported.

Karen Tyrell, the chief executive of charity Drinkaware, shared that their survey of over 10,000 people revealed that 2.2% of them had experienced their drink being spiked in the past year. This may seem like a small percentage, but when applied to the entire UK population, it amounts to a staggering 900,000 individuals. Tyrell emphasized that this number could be even higher, considering the lack of reporting surrounding this issue.

During the same period, the Metropolitan Police forensic consultant, Dean Ames, disclosed that out of 1,500 urine samples, they found traces of 100 different drugs. Surprisingly, the well-known spiking drug, Rohypnol, was not detected in any of these samples. Instead, perpetrators have been shifting towards using other substances to incapacitate their victims. Ames also issued a warning, stating that vapes are the new threat to look out for. He explained that while vapes are meant to contain nicotine, many of them also contain THC and other dangerous substances like spice, which can be unknowingly inhaled by users.

Detective Chief Superintendent Angela Craggs urged anyone who suspects that they may have been a victim of spiking to report it immediately. She stressed the importance of timely reporting as many substances leave the body after just 12 hours, making it difficult to gather evidence. Craggs also stated that spiking is a serious and planned crime, and the police are taking steps to target and apprehend dangerous offenders.

Craggs also emphasized that the police cannot tackle this issue alone and are working closely with charities, venues, and businesses to raise awareness and train staff on how to spot the signs of spiking. She urged victims to come forward and seek support from specially trained officers.

In summary, the police are warning the public to be cautious of vapes, as they are becoming a popular tool for perpetrators to spike drinks. They are also urging individuals to report any suspected incidents of spiking as soon as possible and are working with various organizations to raise awareness and combat this disturbing trend. The message to victims is clear: do not hesitate to seek help and support from the police.

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