UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer warns against frustration towards him leading to a majority for opposition leader Keir Starmer.

We will protect and support you, lower your taxes and ensure your opinions are heard.

July 3rd 2024.

UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer warns against frustration towards him leading to a majority for opposition leader Keir Starmer.
As the Metro readers head to the polls tomorrow, this election is being hailed as one of the most crucial in decades. The current backdrop is unlike any other we have faced in recent history, with uncertainties and instabilities looming over us. These next few years will be a defining time for our country, with both opportunities and risks at an all-time high.

It's clear that bold action is needed to secure a stable future, and that starts with a government that has a clear plan. The Conservatives have put forth a plan to not only cut taxes and strengthen our security, but also to spread opportunities across the entire nation. On the other hand, Labour has no plan in place, except for a potential tax burden that would be the highest in history.

I understand the frustration and criticism directed towards both myself and the Conservative party. We have been through tough times, especially with the added challenges of the pandemic and energy price spikes following Putin's actions in Ukraine. However, despite not getting everything right, tough decisions were made to stabilize our public finances, and we are now seeing signs of economic stability. Inflation has returned to target levels, real wages are rising, and our economy is growing faster than any other in the G7.

We are committed to continue cutting taxes for working people, with plans to further reduce National Insurance contributions and provide a total tax cut of £1,350 a year for the average worker by 2027. We also recognize the importance of supporting our risk-taking entrepreneurs and will abolish the main rate of National Insurance Contributions paid by the self-employed. These individuals power the engine of our economy and deserve to keep more of their hard-earned money.

In response to a guest column by Labour leader Keir Starmer, who wrote in the Metro last month about his plan to make our readers richer, I must express our differences. While Starmer promises economic stability, his party's track record and £38.5 billion black hole in their budget show a lack of commitment to these promises. The Conservatives, on the other hand, have always believed in the dream of homeownership and will continue to support it by abolishing Stamp Duty for first-time buyers and creating an improved Help to Buy scheme.

We also have plans in place to help families keep more of their income through reforms to child benefits and to protect pensioners by preventing the new state pension from being dragged into income tax for the first time in history. Labour has failed to match these commitments due to their massive budget deficit and has no clear plans for how they will raise the necessary funds. It's clear that a Labour government would ultimately lead to higher taxes for the British people.

It's not just about taxes, either. Labour's policies would also limit job opportunities, as confirmed by the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies. Their proposed French-style labour laws would result in businesses struggling to meet increased costs and potentially lead to wage cuts. On the other hand, we have a plan to secure our borders and strengthen our defense. This includes creating a deterrent for illegal immigration by sending flights to Rwanda in July, showing that those who come here illegally will not be able to stay.

The choice in this election is a clear one. A supermajority for Labour would give them unchecked power and no accountability, which would do irreversible damage to our country. This is not a foregone conclusion, as just 130,000 votes could make all the difference. A vote for any other party would ultimately be a vote for Labour. As Conservatives, we are committed to standing up for you, cutting your taxes, and ensuring your voice is heard. The future of our country is at stake, so make your vote count.

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