Customers increasingly opt for quieter hair appointments at the salon.

Customers can now receive silent services with only the sounds of tools being heard.

May 28th 2024.

Customers increasingly opt for quieter hair appointments at the salon.
Hair salons are evolving to cater to the changing preferences of their clients who may be more reserved in social situations. According to FOX 5 Atlanta, the option for a "quiet" hair appointment is becoming increasingly popular among customers. Traditionally, Black-owned salons were known for their lively atmosphere where clients and stylists would engage in gossip and fellowship. However, this trend is now shifting to a more individualized experience, where customers can choose a silent service where the only sounds heard are from the tools being used.

This change has taken hair stylists by surprise, as they have noticed more and more clients opting for a quiet appointment instead of engaging in small talk. Jenna Bisk, a director at San Bercato Salon in New York City, has witnessed this growing trend in her own shop. She believes that the rise in popularity of remote work may have contributed to this shift, as many people still want to get their hair done while working from home.

"We didn't expect it to be as popular as it is right now. We get about 1-2 requests for quiet appointments every day," Bisk shared with FOX 5 Atlanta. She also believes that the social anxieties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic may play a role in this change. With a rise in anxiety disorders during the pandemic, as reported by the National Library of Medicine, it's understandable that some people may feel uncomfortable making small talk with their service provider.

Even as COVID restrictions are easing up, the effects of the pandemic are still lingering. Social distancing has become the norm in many public places, including hair salons. And while the impact of COVID protocols on social interactions is still unclear, the trend of quiet hair appointments could be a sign of a larger shift in how people engage with one another.

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