Young people graduating face doubts about job prospects due to pro-Palestine protests in job market.

Chief Education Advisor warns against companies potentially discriminating based on employees' political views through questioning about protest participation.

May 28th 2024.

Young people graduating face doubts about job prospects due to pro-Palestine protests in job market.
In November 2023, there was a major conflict between the militant group Hamas and Israel, resulting in several months of Israeli attacks on Gaza. As a result of this, some workers who expressed their support for Palestine were targeted by their employers. This issue has continued even after the graduation of students who participated in protests against the Israeli response in Gaza. Unfortunately, some employers are now refusing to hire these graduates.
According to a survey conducted by, which included 1,268 business leaders, there has been a significant increase in employers being hesitant to hire new graduates. Some of them expressed concerns that these graduates may exhibit confrontational behavior in the workplace due to their involvement in protests. The survey also revealed that employers were worried about potential political differences and discomfort among their workers if they were to hire someone who had protested for the Palestinian cause.
This issue is not limited to a specific industry or region, as many employers in the United States have been firing employees and expelling students for showing solidarity with Palestine. This has raised concerns about potential violations of anti-discrimination laws and free speech rights.
A recent survey highlights the worsening climate for both Gen-Z workers in general and those who have expressed pro-Palestinian views. This comes after a report from Prism in November 2023, which revealed that employers were retaliating against workers who expressed their support for Palestine.
Corey Saylor, the research and advocacy director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, shared that their organization received an unusually high number of requests for help between October 7th and 24th. This was nearly three times their average for a 16-day period, indicating a clear bias against those who support Palestine.
Saylor stated, "That gives you a sense of the disproportionate nature of the incoming complaints and reports of bias and requests for help that we’re seeing. Usually, as an activist, you get used to it. You get targeted; that is part of the deal. But this time, it's different. I cannot recall ever seeing individual people being targeted for simply engaging in free speech and joining the political dialogue in this nation."
One of the individuals who experienced consequences for speaking out in support of Palestine was Ryna Workman, a law student at NYU and former president of the Student Bar Association. Workman was removed from their position after sending out a newsletter calling for a ceasefire and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people. This has become a common occurrence, where simply voicing one's opinion can cost them their position and potential job opportunities.
As Workman bravely stated to Prism, "Don't let the consequences you are facing discourage you from speaking out for what you know to be true, for what you believe in, and for trying to stop this loss of human life. Because that is more commendable than any honor, job, or award will ever be."
Huy Nguyen, a chief education and career development advisor, warned that companies who inquire about an applicant's participation in protests may be crossing a line into potential discrimination based on political views. Nguyen stated, "This survey highlights the unfortunate reality of how political issues and social activism are spilling over into the workplace. As political polarization intensifies, companies may make biased judgments about recent graduates based on ideologies or personal behaviors, such as protesting or social media activities."
He continued, "This trend not only creates a toxic work environment but also has legal implications if companies are discriminating based on political beliefs during the hiring process. It is important for both employers and job seekers to keep politics out of the hiring process and focus on a candidate's qualifications, skills, and personal merit to determine their potential success in a role."

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