Corrie fan faces suspension for sneaky moves at work.

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September 4th 2024.

Corrie fan faces suspension for sneaky moves at work.
Lisa was determined to take down Joel, no matter what it took. As the detective sergeant on Coronation Street, she had been reprimanded for persisting in her investigation into Joel's role in the Lauren Bolton case. But that wasn't going to stop her. In tonight's episode, she stormed into the police station and confronted DC Kit Green, demanding to know if anyone else was present when he found the evidence that linked Nathan Curtis to Lauren's disappearance. As fans of the show know, Sarah Platt had planted a hair bobble in Joel's work van to frame him, and Kit had offered to help cover it up.

But despite Kit's attempts to shut her down and close the case, Lisa refused to back off. She had been working tirelessly with Dee-Dee Bailey to track down someone from Joel's past who could provide the crucial evidence needed to put him behind bars. And when they finally met up with one of his ex-colleagues who had his old phone, they believed they were one step closer to the truth.

However, Kit's interference threatened to ruin everything. He had tipped off their boss about Lisa's investigation, and now she was facing the possibility of suspension if she continued. But Lisa was determined to see this through, even if it meant going against the rules and using unconventional methods. She confided in her friend Carla Connor that she wouldn't give up until Joel was brought to justice.

But with Kit on her tail, Lisa's mission became even more difficult. He had warned her that she could face serious consequences if she didn't drop the case, and it seemed like he was doing everything in his power to stop her. As she sat down for a heart-to-heart with Carla in the factory, Lisa admitted that no matter what happens, she won't back down.

The question remains, will Joel continue to evade justice? Will Lisa's determination and persistence pay off, or will she be forced to give up her fight? Only time will tell. In the meantime, join the soap community by commenting below and staying updated on all the latest spoilers and news on our homepage. And for even more exclusive content, join our WhatsApp Soaps community by clicking the link and selecting 'Join Chat'. Don't forget to turn on notifications so you don't miss out on any updates. And if you have any soap or TV stories, videos, or pictures, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch by emailing us at [insert email address].

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