Constable in Odisha killed in traffic accident.

A traffic constable from Malkangiri district, Madhusudan Kirshari, was killed when his motorcycle was hit by an unknown vehicle in Bhubaneswar.

June 30th 2024.

Constable in Odisha killed in traffic accident.
Tragedy struck in Bhubaneswar as a traffic police constable lost his life in a hit-and-run accident. The heartbreaking incident occurred on Saturday night, as the officer, Madhusudan Kirshari, was riding his motorcycle back home after a long day of duty. Hailing from Malkangiri district, Kirshari's life was cut short when an unknown vehicle collided with his motorcycle near Jaydev Vihar square. The devastating news was confirmed by an officer on Sunday.

According to sources, a PCR van immediately rushed to the scene and rushed Kirshari to Capital Hospital. Unfortunately, the efforts of the medical team were in vain as the doctors declared him brought dead. The entire community is in shock and mourning the loss of a dedicated officer who had been serving the city for years.

The police have wasted no time in taking action and have registered a case at Nayapalli police station. In their quest for justice, they are currently scouring through CCTV footage in the area to identify the killer vehicle and the culprit responsible for this horrific act. The investigation is ongoing, and the authorities are determined to bring the guilty to justice.

The incident has left a somber atmosphere in Bhubaneswar, with the loss of a valued member of the police force. The community is in deep sorrow and extends its condolences to Kirshari's family and friends. The PTI also expresses its sympathies to those affected by this tragic event. May justice be served, and may Kirshari's soul rest in peace.

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