Comedian Maisie Adam finds surprising family name to compete with Fanny Chmelar.

It's unbelievable.

March 27th 2024.

Comedian Maisie Adam finds surprising family name to compete with Fanny Chmelar.
Meet Maisie Adam, the hilarious comedian who will surely brighten up your week with her quick wit and endless jokes. Recently, Maisie shared a heartwarming story about her late grandmother's funeral, where they discovered her great grandmother's birth certificate, and had a good laugh at her name.

Maisie's dad was preparing for his mother's funeral when he found the birth certificate of his grandmother. As they read through the document, they couldn't help but burst into laughter when they saw the name "Fanny Fudge." And to make it even funnier, Fanny Fudge was formerly known as Fanny Pile. Maisie shared this hilarious story on social media, and it quickly went viral.

But this isn't the first time Maisie has made people laugh. She has appeared on various TV shows, including Have I Got News For You and Mock the Week. She has also performed in The Unofficial Science of Indiana Jones and Sports Funniest 2023 with Greg James. However, despite her success, Maisie revealed that the comedy industry can be frustrating, especially for those who are not based in London.

Being from the North West, Maisie knows the struggles of trying to make it in the comedy world outside of the capital. She used to travel on the Megabus just to perform at six gigs over the weekend and still make it back for work on Monday. She believes that the industry should be more accessible and not just centered around London.

But back to the hilarious story, Maisie's tweet caught the attention of many, including TV host Steph McGovern, who also had a good laugh at the name. Others shared their own funny encounters with the name Fanny, making it a full-on Fanny Fudge appreciation post.

From colleagues with relatives named Fanny Pack to grandmas' best friends named Fanny Fish, it seems like the whole family has Maisie's funny bone. And despite her declaration that this is the funniest thing she has ever encountered, Maisie continues to make people laugh with her comedy. So, if you ever need a good laugh, just follow Maisie Adam and her hilarious family.

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