Claire Sweeney confirms Cassie will shock viewers with revelations about Evelyn.

Cassie reflects on her past experiences and shares her thoughts.

August 12th 2023.

Claire Sweeney confirms Cassie will shock viewers with revelations about Evelyn.
Tyrone meets his mum
Tyrone Dobbs has been searching for the truth about his mother for some time. He believes that his biological mother is dead, after being left as a baby at a police station and raised by Jackie Dobbs. However, his reconnection with Evelyn revealed that his birth mother had died, leaving him with many unanswered questions.

With Claire Sweeney and Maureen Lipman set to return to Coronation Street as Cassie Plummer and her mother Evelyn, viewers will finally get their answer as Tyrone learns the truth about his mother. It transpires that in the time since we saw Evelyn and Cassie, Evelyn has been helping her daughter come off the drugs she was addicted to.

Claire Sweeney told us, “Evelyn took Cassie away to get her clean. She went cold turkey and Evelyn got her clean and looked after her. As tough as Evelyn can be, she took the time to stay with her indoors and get her clean. Evelyn has also got the dilemma of having the nice set up with her grandson and her great grandkids and she doesn’t want anything rocking the boat. She knows when they return they will have all those things to deal with. She needed to get Cassie away and sort her out before it came to that. They have been living in a flat above the precinct and she has basically kept her locked away.”

As we meet Cassie again, this time she’s determined to get to know Tyrone. Not only has Evelyn lied about her being dead, Cassie is now angrier than ever about the way she was treated as a child. Claire said, “There’s a lot of anger there. And it’s not just about Tyrone, it goes back to childhood. There is a scene coming up where she talks to Tyrone about why she is the way she is and about her childhood and about her relationship with her mum, who was very cold, never hugged her, never told her she loved her. It was quite a cold relationship really, she even kicked her out when she was a teenager. And so there’s a lot of resentment.”

Cassie believes that even if her mother couldn’t look after her, they could have worked something out to keep Tyrone in the family. Evelyn's coldness towards Cassie has impacted her life in heartbreaking ways, but all she wants is to be a part of a loving family. Claire said, “She’s just never had that loving environment or the family. All she wants is to be loved and be part of a family. That’s evident in scenes, simple things just like sitting having a cup of tea and watching the kids get ready and stuff.”

As Cassie gets to know her son and his family, viewers will see just how much Evelyn’s coldness towards her impacted her life in heartbreaking ways. With the return of Cassie and Evelyn, the truth is about to be revealed and Tyrone will finally get the answers he has been looking for.

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