Man not guilty of deliberately spreading poo in toilets, leaving it for a cleaner to clean up.

Cleaner complained their employer often left "messy bathrooms" for them to clean up.

January 1st 2024.

Man not guilty of deliberately spreading poo in toilets, leaving it for a cleaner to clean up.
Jenniene Talbot has lost a case of sex discrimination against her co-worker, Antony Trethewey, over claims that he had deliberately splattered poo across toilets for her to clean up at Par Market in Cornwall.
Ms Talbot began working at the UK's biggest indoor market in June 2019, but her employment didn't last long. She quickly became aware of the poor state of the toilets, which she said was worse than any campsite, club or pub she had ever worked in.

Ms Talbot claimed that Mr Trethewey had taken offense to her being a 'mature woman' who did her job 'properly', and had deliberately left a mess for her to clean. On one occasion, she found an 'explosion of excrement' in the site's disabled toilet.

Although Ms Talbot had several complaints about the cleanliness of the toilets, she couldn't provide any evidence that Mr Trethewey was responsible. She explained that two sets of toilets were used heavily throughout the day, and that she had found soiled toilets and baby-changing units several times.

After a shift mid-way through June, Ms Talbot entered the toilet and found what she described as 'sloppy poo'. She sent a 'highly emotive text' to her boss, informing him that she felt 'threatened' and 'anxious' and would no longer be able to work at the market.

The tribunal ruled that Ms Talbot had no evidence that Mr Trethewey was responsible and dismissed her case. Mr Trethewey had vigorously denied the allegations throughout the tribunal.

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