Chris Brown recently caused a stir among his fans on social media after performing an X-rated dance move that many labeled as too aggressive.

Chris Brown was criticized for his aggressive behavior after he grabbed a fan's throat.

March 17th 2023.

Chris Brown recently caused a stir among his fans on social media after performing an X-rated dance move that many labeled as too aggressive.
At one of his recent live shows in Manchester, England, Chris Brown incorporated a X-rated dance break which saw him grabbing one woman's throat. This prompted many to call it 'aggressive', but the Love Island star seemed to be unbothered and even posted the clip to her social media. Some defended Brown's actions, claiming that the woman was aware of his routine which includes the move and that the media was trying to create a problem where there was none. One fan even mentioned how Brown has done the same move at all of his shows and that the woman was not complaining.

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However, the singer recently faced criticism for throwing a fan's phone in the audience during the same dance number for not ceasing to record the moment.

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