Chloe Bailey admits feeling nervous about pursuing individual careers without her sister Halle by her side.

Chloe feels lonely and scared without her sister, a symptom of "separation anxiety".

March 30th 2023.

Chloe Bailey admits feeling nervous about pursuing individual careers without her sister Halle by her side.
Chloe and Halle Bailey have come a long way since they first posted YouTube videos of themselves covering Beyoncé songs, and have now ventured off on their own individual endeavors. Chloe is releasing her first full-length solo album, In Pieces, alongside her standout roles in Donald Glover's Swarm and the gospel comedy Praise This. Meanwhile, Halle is set to make her film debut as Ariel in Disney's live-action The Little Mermaid. While both sisters are proud of their individual successes, there was a period of “separation anxiety” where they were both unsure of how they could make it without each other.

Chloe admitted to People that she was initially scared to pursue her solo career and even questioned if she sounded better without her sister. “I didn’t even like the sound of my voice. I didn’t feel it was special without my sister’s voice layered with it,” she said. But Halle's support and encouragement, reminding Chloe of the confidence she's always had in herself, helped her to push through her doubts and pursue her dreams.

The Bailey sisters have come so far and proven to be an unstoppable force both together and individually. Chloe expressed her gratitude for their accomplishments and how proud she is of her sister, saying “I’m so grateful to God that no matter if we are doing something within our group or individually, we are both simultaneously killing it. I’m so proud of her.”

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