China and Russia leaders say that their relationship is a stabilizing force for the world and promotes peace.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin meet in Beijing, claiming their strong relationship sets a positive example for other countries.

May 16th 2024.

China and Russia leaders say that their relationship is a stabilizing force for the world and promotes peace.
At a meeting in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the strong and enduring relationship between their two countries. Despite the current pressure on China to distance itself from Russia due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the two leaders reaffirmed the importance of their alliance and its positive impact on the world.

Putin arrived for his first foreign visit since being re-elected for a fifth term, and Xi welcomed him warmly. They both acknowledged the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Russia as a significant milestone and a reflection of the strength of their friendship.

Their bond has weathered challenges and stood the test of time, according to Xi. He also highlighted the importance of their close communication and strategic guidance in ensuring the steady and smooth development of their relationship. Putin, in turn, referred to Xi as his "dear friend" and emphasized that their cooperation in world affairs has been a stabilizing force on the international stage.

The two leaders also discussed the current situation in Ukraine, with Putin expressing willingness to engage in dialogue, but also stressing the need for all parties involved to consider each other's interests. They also noted the successful cooperation between their countries in various international organizations, such as the United Nations, BRICS, SCO, and G20.

Putin further expressed his hope that his visit would further enhance their bilateral cooperation in various areas. He also praised China's Belt and Road Initiative, a multi-billion-dollar project aimed at connecting different regions through infrastructure development. This was Putin's second visit to Beijing since October, and he brought with him a large delegation of top officials and leaders from various sectors.

The talks between Xi and Putin focused on economic and trade cooperation, as well as the strategic environment affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. China has become a major recipient of Russia's oil and gas exports since the start of the war, which has also put pressure on China from the US and EU to distance itself from Moscow.

While Xi and Putin view their partnership as a counter to the US's increasing hostility towards China, there is growing unease within China over Putin's continuation of the conflict in Ukraine. Despite not publicly supporting Russia's actions, China's close relationship with Russia has drawn scrutiny and criticism from the US and its allies, who have imposed sanctions on Russia and urged China to use its influence to end the war.

The second part of Putin's visit will take place in the city of Harbin, where he will attend the opening ceremony of the Russian-Chinese Expo and the Forum on Interregional Cooperation. He will also meet with students and faculty at the Harbin Institute of Technology. The continued meetings and exchanges between the leaders of China and Russia demonstrate the strong bond between their countries and their commitment to further cooperation and friendship.

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