Slovak leaders urge de-escalation of political strife following PM's shooting.

Slovak politicians urge calm after PM Fico shot multiple times by would-be assassin. Shocking incident in polarized country. PM in stable condition.

May 16th 2024.

Slovak leaders urge de-escalation of political strife following PM's shooting.
The city of Banska Bystrica in Slovakia was left in shock after the Prime Minister, Robert Fico, was shot multiple times by an attempted assassin on Wednesday. It was a rare instance of political violence in the Central European country, and it caused deep concern among the politicians and citizens. Fico was immediately taken to the hospital and is currently in serious but stable condition, according to a hospital official. The incident has caused widespread panic and concern, as it is not something that is typically seen in Slovakia.

The attack on Fico was a targeted one, as he was attending a government meeting in a former coal mining town. The perpetrator, who is currently in custody, was identified by the Interior Minister as having a clear political motivation for the attack. However, the exact motive has not been disclosed. Fico has been a controversial figure in Slovakia and beyond, especially since his return to power last year with a pro-Russian and anti-American message. This has caused concern among other European Union members that Slovakia may deviate from its pro-Western stance.

The incident happened at a time of high political polarization in Slovakia, with thousands of citizens taking to the streets to protest against Fico's policies. It also comes just before the European Parliament elections in June. In an effort to bring calm and promote unity, outgoing President Zuzana Caputova, who is a political rival of Fico, has called for a meeting among the country's political leaders. She stressed the importance of rejecting violence and being responsible in their actions. Caputova's message was supported by Peter Pellegrini, a Fico ally and the president-elect of Slovakia, as they both appealed to the citizens to not give in to political divisions.

Pellegrini also called for a halt or significant reduction in the election campaign for the European Parliament, as it can lead to further confrontation and division in the country. Fico's government, which was elected in September last year, has made controversial decisions such as halting arms deliveries to Ukraine and taking control of public media. His critics fear that he may lead Slovakia towards an autocratic path, which goes against the country's membership in NATO.

The attack on Fico has been described as a shock to the nation and an attack on democracy by many citizens, including Zuzana Eliasova from the capital city of Bratislava. She believes that this incident will make people reflect on their actions and the high level of polarization in the country. Fico underwent a five-hour operation and is currently being treated in an intensive care unit. Five shots were fired outside a cultural center in a town nearly 140 kilometers away from the capital.

The Security Council of Slovakia is set to meet on Thursday to discuss the situation, and a government meeting will follow. Fico, who has previously served twice as Prime Minister, has been described as a left-populist, but has also been compared to right-wing politicians like Viktor Orbán of Hungary. His comeback to power has caused concern among his critics, who fear that he may steer the country away from the Western mainstream. Fico has been vocal about his stance against migration, NGOs, and LGBTQ+ rights.

Despite the controversies surrounding Fico's leadership, the attack has been condemned by both his allies and adversaries. Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a message to President Caputova, expressing his support and wishing for Fico's speedy recovery. He also stated that this "atrocious crime" cannot be justified and hopes that Fico's strength and courage will help him overcome this difficult situation. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also denounced the violence against his neighboring country's leader and called for efforts to prevent violence from becoming the norm in any form or sphere.

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