Bruce and Emma Willis celebrated their marriage with a beautiful vow renewal, captured on film by Demi Moore, now revealed to the world.

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March 21st 2023.

Bruce and Emma Willis celebrated their marriage with a beautiful vow renewal, captured on film by Demi Moore, now revealed to the world.

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To mark their 10th anniversary, Bruce and Emma chose to renew their vows at the same place as their wedding

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They made sure to take a photo that they can treasure forever

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Emma encouraged everyone to seize every opportunity to be with family and friends and make memories

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Bruce and Emma opted to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows in the same spot they got married

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The couple were joined by their two children, Mabel and Evelyn, who acted as flower girls

Demi Moore, Bruce's ex-wife, served as videographer for the special event

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