Workers are on strike today, disrupting services and possibly impacting everyday life. Keep updated on March 22.

Workers from Ofsted, National Express and universities are holding strikes today to demand better pay and conditions.

March 22nd 2023.

Workers are on strike today, disrupting services and possibly impacting everyday life. Keep updated on March 22.

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Today, employees from a variety of industries are taking part in a strike, with Unite members from National Express, Ofsted staff, and personnel from universities involved. These workers have rejected an offer from National Express of a 14.3% pay increase, and the action will disrupt about 93% of their bus network. Additionally, UCU members are being balloted again on a dispute over pay, working conditions, and pensions. As a result, responses to queries, complaints, and inspection notices will be delayed. If you have any questions or concerns related to this, feel free to contact our news team at email.

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