Biden and Trump argue about golf, with Biden mentioning that he has seen Trump's swing, leading to a descent into farce.

Presidential debate devolves into a golf bragging match between Biden and Trump.

June 28th 2024.

Biden and Trump argue about golf, with Biden mentioning that he has seen Trump's swing, leading to a descent into farce.
The debate between the two contenders for the US Presidency, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, took an unexpected turn into a rather comical exchange. It seemed like both men were trying to outdo each other in a bragging contest about their golf skills.

In response to concerns about his age, Trump confidently cited his prowess on the golf course as evidence of his physical fitness. He couldn't resist taking a jab at Biden while he was at it. "I'm in great shape. I've won two regular club championships, not even in the senior category. You have to be quite smart and hit the ball a long way, and I can do it," he boasted.

Not one to back down, Trump continued, "He, on the other hand, can't even hit a ball 50 yards." Of course, he was referring to Biden. "He even challenged me to a golf match, but let's be real, he can't even hit a ball 50 yards. I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life, maybe even better than 25 or 30 years ago," he added, with a hint of pride.

Naturally, Biden couldn't let the opportunity to respond slip by. "I'd be more than happy to have a driving contest with him. I managed to get my handicap down to a six when I was the Vice President," he retorted. But he couldn't resist throwing in a subtle jab of his own, "And just so we're clear, I'm always up for a game of golf, as long as you carry your own bag."

But Trump wasn't buying it. "That's the biggest lie, a six handicap. I've seen your swing, I know your swing," he countered, unimpressed.

While this exchange may have only lasted a few minutes in the 90-minute debate, it highlighted the overall tone of the evening. Rambling answers, falsehoods, and attempts to confuse and deflect seemed to be the order of the day. And this small detour into a golf competition was just a glimpse of the chaos that was to come.

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