Man begs for clues 7 years after wife disappeared without a sign.

Fatima disappeared on Feb 12, 2016 around 7:30am, last seen by her husband.

April 14th 2023.

Man begs for clues 7 years after wife disappeared without a sign.
Despite her disappearance seven years ago, Fatima Mohamed-Ali's family remains hopeful of finding her safe and well. CCTV footage from 2016 confirms she walked from her home in Newhaven to Avis Road, and in 2018, a potential sighting of her was caught on CCTV giving them a glimmer of hope.

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Fatima, who was 52 when she vanished, pictured with her husband Mohamed.

In 2021, Mohamed appeared on the Missing podcast, sharing the circumstances of Fatima's disappearance, possible theories on her whereabouts, and the consequent impact it has had on his family. Despite the possibility that Fatima may have taken her own life, Mohamed believes this would be an out-of-character behaviour of Fatima and is desperately calling for answers.

For seven years, Fatima Mohamed-Ali's family have been desperately searching for her. Last seen in her Newhaven home in 2016, CCTV camera footage showed her walking down Avis Road fifteen minutes later. Despite no updates for over a year, a potential sighting was caught on CCTV just over a year later in North Street, Brighton.

The 52-year-old grandmother and mother-of-three was described as Indian, 5’ 2” with a slim build, brown eyes, and black shoulder-length hair, often worn in a ponytail. She is likely to be wearing traditional Indian dress, black boots, and a beige coat.

Now, in 2021, Fatima's family are working diligently with the charity Missing People to re-launch the search ahead of her 60th birthday, in the hope that she may be found safe and well. Her husband Mohamed has shared the circumstances of Fatima's disappearance in the Missing podcast, and expressed the possibility that she may have taken her own life.

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Fatima, who was 52 when she vanished, pictured with her husband Mohamed

Yet, despite this, Mohamed feels that this would be an out-of-character behaviour for Fatima. Her family are determined to keep the search alive, and are desperately calling for anyone with information to come forward.

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