Bee swarm invades busy shopping street, causing chaos for customers.

A group of insects were drawn to flowers outside a Primark store in Canterbury.

June 29th 2024.

Bee swarm invades busy shopping street, causing chaos for customers.
Earlier today, high-street shoppers were met with a terrifying sight as a swarm of bees descended upon the entrance of a local Primark. The buzzing insects seemed to be drawn to the hanging baskets of flowers that adorned the storefront in Canterbury, Kent.

Witnesses reported security staff working diligently to keep customers away from the store, while beekeepers rushed to capture the queen and her worker bees in an effort to calm the swarm. It was a chaotic scene, with shoppers fleeing in fear and the store temporarily closing its doors.

Ironically, just a few days prior, the Primark had proudly shared a social media post boasting about their new flower displays and their inclusion of special plants to attract bees. Little did they know, their efforts would result in a real-life bee invasion.

Despite the temporary closure, the store reopened in the late afternoon for business as usual once the bees had been safely relocated. However, the Primark did express their apologies to any customers who were unable to visit during the incident.

This incident adds to the growing concern over the presence of Asian hornets in the UK during the warmer months. With reports of sightings on the rise, many residents may find themselves on edge as summer approaches. In fact, the government has even launched an app called "Asian Hornet Watch" to help document sightings of this invasive species.

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