Despite my dislike for Emily in Paris, I find myself unable to stop watching it.

Episode 1 didn't impress me at first, but I still couldn't resist clicking "Play next."

August 20th 2024.

Despite my dislike for Emily in Paris, I find myself unable to stop watching it.
It may sound absurd, but I have become completely obsessed with hating on every moment of "Emily in Paris". I can't help it, the show just captivates me in a strange way. I recently watched an episode where our leading lady, Emily Cooper, was sitting outside a charming Parisian café with her best friend Mindy Chen. They were having a lively discussion, as always.

Emily has a job at a luxury marketing firm in Paris, and she's determined to focus on her career rather than getting distracted by her love life. But that's easier said than done when she has two handsome suitors vying for her attention – the hot chef Gabriel and the finance guy Alfie. I mean, how is she supposed to choose?

In one scene, she leaves the café and goes straight home to cook breakfast for Gabriel, only to be interrupted by a call from her boss wondering where she is because she's running late. I mean, come on Emily, get your priorities straight!

But despite all of this, I can't stop watching the show. It's like a guilty pleasure that I can't resist. I remember when I first started watching it in 2020, I was skeptical. I thought it was going to be shallow and uninteresting. But as soon as the first episode ended, I found myself clicking the "play next" button without hesitation.

I know I'm not alone in my love-hate relationship with "Emily in Paris". There are countless Reddit threads and TikTok videos making fun of the show and its unrealistic plotlines. Even critics have been harsh, giving it low ratings and calling it repetitive and boring. And yet, it's now on its fourth season and has millions of viewers.

I think part of the appeal of the show is that it's a form of escapism. In a world where there are so many serious and troubling things happening, sometimes it's nice to just sit back and watch a show where nothing truly bad happens. Even if it's a bit unrealistic and over-the-top.

I recently took a trip to Paris and found myself spending an evening in my hotel room watching "Emily in Paris". It was the perfect distraction from a day filled with mishaps and disappointments. And let's be honest, the show has some hilarious one-liners that no one would ever actually say in real life, like when Emily described perfume as "wearing poetry". It's like the show knows how ridiculous it is and invites the audience to join in on the joke.

Despite all of its flaws, I can't help but keep watching. I find myself constantly thinking about how I would handle the situations differently, and I'm always entertained by the characters' mistakes and mishaps. It's a guilty pleasure that I just can't quit.

So even though I may hate on every moment of "Emily in Paris", I'll still tune in for another episode. As the characters have taught us, there's a fine line between love and hate. And when it comes to this show, I'm somewhere in the middle.

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