Arthur's heartbroken after losing the one he loves, and ours too.

We've all experienced a difficult situation.

July 15th 2023.

Arthur's heartbroken after losing the one he loves, and ours too.
We've been rooting for Arthur and Marshall ever since they clapped eyes on each other. It's been the most beautiful thing to watch as they become each other's first loves. After Marshall's homophobic dad almost broke them apart, they've gone through an epic journey of both coming out and saving each other.

We were delighted when Arthur and Marshall finally had their first date, despite it being a bit of a disaster. Things have been blossoming between them since then, but it looks like it's all about to come crashing down. Marshall reveals to Arthur that he's leaving to live with his family, and Arthur is left broken.

It's so heartbreaking to see them part ways. Was his decision prompted by the guilt of his family sacking off their Australia trip for him? Is he leaving because he feels like a burden? Arthur is left sobbing over his pain, and his oblivious sister Gabby makes things worse when she bulldozes in and makes everything about her. How will he react to this loss?

It's hard not to shed a tear at this tragic twist in their love story. We hope it doesn't end here, but as of now, all we can do is wait and see what the future holds for Arthur and Marshall.

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