Apex Legends no longer uses in-game currency, only real money for purchases.

Apex Legends' next season won't allow in-game currency payments, as EA increases battle pass count.

July 8th 2024.

Apex Legends no longer uses in-game currency, only real money for purchases.
Oh no, this is definitely not good news. It seems that from the next season onwards, players will no longer be able to use in-game currency to purchase items in Apex Legends. This decision comes from EA, who has just announced a major overhaul of the game's currency system. And let's just say, it's not looking good for those who prefer not to spend real money on battle passes.

In the past, players could buy a single battle pass and then earn enough in-game currency through regular gameplay to purchase the next one. However, that will no longer be possible as EA is completely removing the concept of in-game currency from the game. Instead, players will have to use real money to buy the battle pass. And to make things even more expensive, future seasons will now be split into two, meaning players will have to purchase two battle passes to keep up.

EA claims that they are "evolving" the battle pass system and that it will now offer more value and require less time to unlock high-end items. But in reality, players will have to shell out £8.99 for a single battle pass and £17.99 for the Premium+ track. While there is still a free battle pass track, the rewards are minimal compared to what players were used to with the full battle pass purchased using in-game currency.

The only silver lining is that EA will be reducing the level needed to unlock all rewards from 110 to 60. But let's be honest, players are still paying a hefty price for this "privilege". EA has released a blog post with a chart explaining the changes, but it's so confusing that it's hard to understand the extent of this massive change and the amount of money they expect players to spend.

According to EA, these changes serve two purposes: to align seasonal progression with Ranked mode and to increase the value of players' time. But fans are not buying it. In an attempt to ease some of the criticism, EA has announced that players can complete challenges to unlock the first battle pass, but there's no guarantee that this will be possible for subsequent ones. These changes will go into effect from Season 22, which is just a month away.

As expected, fans are not happy with this sudden and confusing change. Many are shocked and disappointed, with some even accusing EA of killing the game. One fan even commented, "Do you want to kill the game? Cuz this is how you kill the game." Another said, "I'm usually positive but this is just disappointing. You have one of the best shooters with an amazing community, yet you keep slowly killing it. Please stop this and focus on fixing the actual issues with your game."

So, what does this all mean? In short, Apex Legends just got a lot more expensive. Players who don't want to spend real money on the game will now have a hard time keeping up with the new battle pass system. And for those who do decide to shell out the cash, it's not guaranteed that they'll be able to earn the next battle pass through challenges. It's a frustrating and disappointing situation for the game's loyal players. Let's hope EA reconsiders their decision and focuses on fixing the game's actual issues instead.

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