An app designed to detect and prevent the sharing of child abuse images has been awarded £1,800,000 in funding.

The app is able to recognize any signs of child sexual abuse content on devices.

February 23rd 2023.

An app designed to detect and prevent the sharing of child abuse images has been awarded £1,800,000 in funding.

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An app which could help reduce the viewing and demand for child sexual abuse content is set to be developed by European and UK experts.

The Salus app, named after the Roman goddess of safety and well-being, will use machine learning to detect child abuse content on the user’s device in real time.

Funded by the European Commission and created by UK tech firm SafeToNet, the £1.8 million project will also explore why offenders start viewing such images and what could help them stop.

The app can then be installed onto devices of those at risk of accessing child abuse content, blocking it automatically and helping to reduce the demand for such material online.

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An app designed to help reduce demand for child sexual abuse content is being developed by EU and UK experts

Experts behind the Project Protech are creating an app called Salus - named after the Roman goddess of safety and well-being - that is capable of detecting child sexual abuse content in real time on the user's device by using machine learning.

The £1.8 million project, funded by the European Commission and led by a university hospital in Berlin, is making the app with the help of UK tech firm SafeToNet.

The app can detect child sexual abuse content on devices and it could be installed onto the devices of individuals at risk of accessing such content, automatically detecting and blocking it to help stem the demand for it online.

In order to design the app, the researchers will assess why offenders begin viewing such images and what could help them stop. They will then use volunteer participants to test the app.

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