Alejandro's brother criticizes Rio Ferdinand for spreading a false story about Lionel Messi.

Don't fabricate facts to incite animosity.

November 29th 2023.

Alejandro's brother criticizes Rio Ferdinand for spreading a false story about Lionel Messi.
Alejandro Garnacho was recently at the centre of a fake story circulating on social media. It claimed that Barcelona star Lionel Messi had unfollowed the Manchester United winger on Instagram.

The news was brought to light when former Manchester United player Rio Ferdinand made a joke about it on his Vibe With Five show. He said that Messi took action against his Argentina teammate on Instagram due to Garnacho supposedly favouring Cristiano Ronaldo.

The clip of Ferdinand's joke went viral on social media, while certain news websites even misquoted the former United defender to make it appear that Garnacho had made the claim himself.

However, Alejandro's brother Roberto Garnacho was quick to deny the claims, stating that Messi had never actually followed his brother on Instagram in the first place. He then went on to say that Garnacho admires both Ronaldo and Messi, and that the family had celebrated Messi's World Cup win together.

In response to Roberto's statement, Ferdinand clarified that his joke was meant to be taken sarcastically. He also said that he wasn't targeting anyone in particular, but rather correcting the incorrect info that was being circulated about Garnacho.

At the end of the day, it's clear that Roberto Garnacho's statement was enough to clarify the situation and put the fake story to rest.

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