April 1st 2023.
Kylie Jenner's one-year-old son Aire was the cutest addition to her latest make-up tutorial video. Although Kylie had kept her youngest son out of the limelight until recently, she was more than happy to show him off to her 52.2million followers. She began by saying that although she usually takes time away from social media, she wanted to reconnect with her fans.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk) Kylie then proudly showcased her two new products, matte liquid eyeshadows and mascara, before applying them to her own face.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk) However, it wasn't long before daughter Stormi came to say hello and Kylie couldn't help but shower her eldest with kisses and hugs.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk) Adorable Aire then wanted in on the action too and Kylie picked him up, showing him off to the camera and planting kisses on him as he smiled and stuck his tongue out.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk) His babbling in the background was just too cute and Kylie joked, "This is why I don't get on TikTok much!"
Kylie Jenner's one-year-old son Aire made a cute and unexpected appearance in her latest make-up tutorial. Kylie, 25, proudly shared her two new products with her 52.2 million followers, when daughter Stormi came to say hello. Stormi, five, was all smiles as she ran to her mum for a hug, with Kylie planting kisses on her cheek and exclaiming 'I love you'. Just then, little Aire wanted in on the action and Kylie picked him up, planting kisses on him and showing him to the camera. Adorable Aire could then be heard babbling in the background, as Kylie joked: 'This is why I don't get on TikTok much!'.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk) Kylie was delighted to have her two children join her for the make-up tutorial, adding a special moment to the video.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
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