Abu Dhabi hosts meeting of 105 nations to address important concerns regarding the transition to renewable energy.

IRENA holds 27th council meeting in Abu Dhabi, joined by representatives from 105 countries to address pressing issues in global energy transition.

June 13th 2024.

Abu Dhabi hosts meeting of 105 nations to address important concerns regarding the transition to renewable energy.
The bustling city of Abu Dhabi was abuzz with the 27th council meeting of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) on Thursday. This came just days after United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made a passionate plea for immediate action on climate change. Representatives from 105 countries had gathered for this two-day meeting to discuss pressing issues in the global energy transition.

The focus of the gathering was on accelerating and de-risking investments in renewable energy, with the ultimate goal of achieving decarbonisation and sustainable development. Participants also delved into the various ways in which partnerships with private sector entities and utilities can be strengthened, and best practices for energy planning were shared. In addition to these discussions, the council also facilitated consultation and cooperation among IRENA members to review the agency's work programme, budget, and annual report, among other important administrative and institutional matters.

During the meeting, IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera expressed his concern over the slow progress in renewable energy adoption. He stated that while the world had installed more renewable energy capacity in 2023 than ever before, it was still only half of what is needed to limit the rise in temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In order to meet the global target of tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030, La Camera stressed the need for a significant increase in commitment and action from both the public and private sectors.

La Camera also highlighted IRENA's crucial role in ensuring transparency and accountability by tracking progress and facilitating implementation towards the energy goals set at COP28. In fact, just last week, he had met with Secretary-General Guterres to stress the importance of prioritising energy infrastructure in the climate agenda. He also mentioned IRENA's role as the custodian agency in monitoring progress towards the global target, as mandated by the COP28 Presidency and supported by the incoming COP29 Presidency.

Gloria Magombo, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Energy and Power Development in Zimbabwe, and the 27th IRENA Council Chair, acknowledged the critical role of IRENA's mission. She emphasized that transitioning to renewable energy not only holds the most promise as a solution to climate change, but it is also key to addressing the energy access challenges faced by many countries. As the council chair, Magombo pledged her full support to ensure that IRENA's outstanding work in advocacy, support, and progress tracking is backed by all its members.

In another significant development, in May 2024, COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber officially assigned IRENA with the task of producing a special annual report series to monitor progress and provide recommendations on achieving the key energy goals of the UAE Consensus, set at COP28. This decision was met with great enthusiasm and support from all members present at the council meeting.

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