Workers at a Philadelphia daycare locked a 6-month-old girl inside the building after closing for the day.

A father was worried when he found out his 6-month-old daughter was locked inside a daycare center after hours.

February 4th 2024.

Workers at a Philadelphia daycare locked a 6-month-old girl inside the building after closing for the day.
The Banks family from Philadelphia is seeking justice after their 6-month-old daughter was left locked inside a daycare center. The incident occurred on February 1st at New Arisens Childcare Solutions in Feltonville. Cameron Banks, the father of baby Amora, arrived at the daycare just before closing time to find that the doors were locked. In an interview with CBS News, he expressed his fear and panic upon realizing that his daughter was still inside the building.

Banks frantically searched for his daughter by calling all the contact numbers he had. However, no one seemed to know where Amora was. In a state of distress, he called the police to help him gain entry into the daycare. With the help of officers and firefighters, they were able to open the gate and enter the building.

Upon entering, they found baby Amora asleep in a car seat in a dark corner of the daycare center. Banks recalled being nervous when the officers emerged from the building, fearing the worst. However, he was overjoyed to learn that his daughter was safe and sound. He described the moment as a mix of emotions, with tears of relief and happiness.

Banks shared that it was a particularly special day for Amora as it was picture day and she was dressed in a Valentine's Day outfit. He expressed how grateful he was that she was okay and back at home with her family. Following the incident, the Philadelphia Police Department's Special Victims Unit questioned both Banks and some of the daycare employees.

The daycare center, New Arisens, has not yet released a statement regarding the incident. This incident is a reminder of the importance of safety protocols and proper procedures at childcare facilities. The Banks family hopes that this incident will lead to changes and accountability in the daycare's practices.

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