A therapist implanted false memories of sexual abuse, causing my life to crumble.

'She strongly pushed me to recall these intense memories.'

July 23rd 2024.

A therapist implanted false memories of sexual abuse, causing my life to crumble.
Huey was just 22 years old when she first met her therapist, Anne Craig. She had moved to London and was feeling lost and alone. Anne had a reputation among Huey's friends as a spiritual healer and she was drawn to her teachings of personal development. However, what started out as a positive experience soon turned into a nightmare.

Huey had a privileged background, with a loving family and a lively social life. But when she found herself in London, she was completely isolated from her loved ones and struggling to cope. Anne seemed to have a strange power over her, and Huey found herself completely dependent on her for all her daily decisions. From when to sleep, to what she could eat, Anne controlled every aspect of Huey's life.

Each day was spent in a state of constant anxiety and fear, with Huey believing that if she ever stopped working with Anne, she would face terrible consequences. Anne had convinced her that she needed to isolate herself from her family in order to heal, and Huey cut off all contact with them. She was even told disturbing false memories of sexual abuse that left her feeling traumatized.

As time went on, Huey became more and more isolated and dependent on Anne. She was only left with a small amount of money each week after paying for her sessions and rent, but she found comfort in Anne's warm and cozy home. Anne was the only source of love and comfort in Huey's life, and she clung to her teachings for guidance.

It wasn't until years later that Huey realized the truth about Anne. She had been brainwashing her and other clients, implanting false memories and controlling every aspect of their lives. Huey's friend Fipsi had also been a victim of Anne's manipulation, and another client, Victoria, spoke out about her own experiences of abuse.

Looking back, Huey can see how vulnerable she was when she first met Anne. She was young and impressionable, and Anne preyed on her fears and insecurities. It's a difficult and painful realization, but Huey is now speaking out to raise awareness about the dangers of manipulation and abuse in therapy. She hopes that her story will help others who may be in a similar situation and prevent anyone else from falling under Anne's spell.
Huey was 22 when she first met her therapist, Anne. It was just over a decade ago when her life took a drastic turn. She found herself broken, alone, and disconnected from her loved ones, a far cry from her privileged upbringing. Now, at 37, Huey had a loving family, a private education, and a reputation as "the life and soul of the party." However, she had fallen under the spell of Anne Craig, a self-proclaimed "teacher of personal development."

Huey describes her typical day during that time as "completely bonkers." She would wake up and spend an hour writing down her dreams, then analyze them using the techniques taught by Anne, which could take up to two hours. By then, she wouldn't have even had breakfast yet. She was so dependent on Anne that she would even ask for permission to eat, and if it was denied, she would continue working for another hour or two. This unhealthy routine caused Huey to become extremely thin, weighing only six stone. She had never struggled with eating issues before, but Anne's teachings had made her fearful of food.

This relationship with Anne left Huey feeling anxious and constantly on edge. She was completely isolated and felt as though she had no control over her own life. Anne had convinced her that she couldn't make any decisions without her guidance, from when to sleep to when to eat and even when to start and stop working. Huey claims that Anne would tell her that if she ever stopped their work, she would suffer from cancer, be raped, or face some other horrible fate.

According to Huey, Anne controlled every aspect of her life, even down to what she could watch, read, or eat. She was only allowed to consume bland and unstimulating foods, like chickpeas, carrots, and beetroot. Huey's first encounter with Anne was in January 2010 when she visited her home in South London. Her friends had recommended Anne as an "amazing spiritual healer," and Huey was feeling lost in her new town. The therapist greeted her warmly and made her feel comfortable before taking her to her therapy room to begin "the work."

The work involved dream interpretation and automatic writing and drawing. Anne would then analyze the drawings and burn them to "release the bad energy." Huey had never sought therapy before but quickly trusted Anne and became dependent on her guidance. She would see Anne for weekly sessions that cost £100, with no time limit but could last up to four hours.

However, as time went on, the sessions became more disturbing. Huey claims that Anne told her she had been sexually abused as a child by a family member. This revelation was unsettling, but things only got worse when Anne began implanting false memories in Huey's mind. She would paint graphic and extreme images of sexual abuse that were entirely untrue.

After a year of sessions, Anne told Huey that she needed to isolate herself from her family if she wanted to heal. She even told her that the last Christmas she spent with her family would be her last. Huey followed Anne's instructions and cut off all ties with her loved ones, falling even further into Anne's grip. Shockingly, Huey's friend Fipsi had a similar experience with Anne. She was told that she had been sexually abused as a child, and she is one of many women sharing their stories in a six-part podcast series called Dangerous Memories.

Another client, Victoria Cayzer, also spoke out about her disturbing experience with Anne. She was only 20 years old when she sought help from Anne for her eating disorder. Like Huey, Victoria was told that she had been sexually abused by a close family member. Anne's manipulation went even further when she began uncovering false memories of murders, infidelities, and other immoral acts involving the people in Victoria's life.

Huey's trust in her family was shattered after being told by Anne that she had been sexually abused as an infant. She cut all ties and even moved so that they couldn't find her. With most of her money going towards therapy sessions and rent for a shabby art studio, Huey only had around £20 a week to live on. She found solace in Anne's home, where she would be greeted with warmth and comfort, something she lacked in her life at that time.

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