9 things we do on vacation that would not be acceptable at home.

You now have the charm and self-assurance of Casanova.

July 23rd 2024.

9 things we do on vacation that would not be acceptable at home.
Have you ever noticed that your behavior on holiday is completely different from your behavior at home? It's like the moment you step off that plane and onto the airport arrivals floor, all of your usual manners and rules go out the window. Suddenly, it's all about living in the moment and embracing your "f**k it" alter-ego. The holidays are a time when we can let go of the mundane nine to five life and indulge in all of the things we normally wouldn't do.

It's almost like the holiday season is a lawless event. We're not bound by the unspoken rules that govern our daily lives. When it comes to eating, drinking, dressing, and romance, normalcy is thrown out the window. Yolo, as they say. In celebration of this carefree attitude, we asked our team of writers what behaviors they reserve for letting loose on holiday.

One thing that seems to be a common holiday indulgence is round-the-clock drinking. Who cares if it's 7am and you haven't had breakfast yet? You're on vacation, so why not have a drink with your Pret croissant at the airport? And let's be honest, would you normally grab a bottle of prosecco for breakfast on a regular Tuesday? Probably not. But on holiday, it's totally acceptable. After all, drinks work anytime, anywhere.

And let's not forget about fashion on holiday. Do you have a special holiday wardrobe that only comes out when you're packing for a trip? You're not alone. Vacation outfits tend to be bolder, brighter, and a little more revealing than our usual everyday attire. Suddenly, we're dressing like wannabe influencers (minus the followers). We also tend to be more adventurous with our fashion choices, trying out trends and styles that we might not normally wear. And all of those fashion "rules" that we follow at home? They go out the window. Wearing a bikini to a restaurant? Sure, why not?

Speaking of indulging, let's talk about cigarettes. For those of us who enjoy the occasional smoke, a holiday is the perfect excuse to let go of our attempts at being "good" and light up. Not only are they cheaper abroad, but the sun and al-fresco dining make it even more tempting. Before you know it, you're a pack deep and your voice is as raspy as Louis Armstrong's.

Remember when you used to spend your summers jumping on trampolines, playing Velcro bat and ball, and having water gun fights? Well, on holiday, your inner child comes out to play. You may not post pictures of yourself screaming with joy on a waterslide at an ancient waterpark on social media, but it's definitely a memory worth cherishing.

And let's not forget about the entertainment at our hotels. Would you normally go to a Bingo hall on a regular day? Probably not. But add a cocktail and a dabber to the mix on holiday, and suddenly we're all in. From aqua aerobics to line-dancing on the beach to public karaoke, we lose all sense of embarrassment and just let loose. And let's be real, would you ever participate in a spot of Greek dancing at a hotel bar in London? Probably not. But with a few all-inclusive cocktails, you'll be on stage in no time, yelling "Opa!"

For those who are single, a holiday is the perfect time to make some fun and slightly ill-informed choices. That hot waiter may be a walking red flag, but for the week you're away, he's just what you're looking for. And with the confidence of Casanova, you'll be sparking up some holiday romance in no time. And what happens on holiday, stays on holiday.

Let's not forget about dessert. Ice cream after every meal? Yes, please! Thoughts of being "good" and watching what we eat are left behind at home. The toughest decision we have to make on holiday is what flavor of ice cream to have each day. And of course, this rule also applies to chips. Because what's a holiday without a never-ending supply of Lays?

But it's not just about indulging in food and drinks on holiday. Our sex lives also seem to get a boost. Monotonous work days and being tired all the time can push sex to the bottom of our to-do lists in our normal lives. But on holiday, with our significant other, the spark is reignited. That gorgeous air-conditioned hotel room can bring out our inner porn star. Morning sex? Yes, please. Shower sex, even if it's a bit tricky? Absolutely. And if we're getting ready for dinner, we might just squeeze in a cheeky shag. Walking straight may be a bit challenging afterwards, but it's totally worth it. After all, it's anytime, anywhere on holiday.

And let's not forget about naps. On a regular day, taking a nap at your desk would probably get you in trouble with your boss. But on holiday, 12pm is the perfect time for a snooze. Whether you're cooling off in your room or dozing by the pool, no one is going to wake you up. And on the flip side, morning lie-ins are not always on the agenda. We're up at the crack of dawn to secure that prime beach spot. But somehow, it doesn't feel like a chore when you're on holiday.

So, why do we let loose on holiday? According to psychologist Daniel Glazier, there's an undeniable magic to vacations that gives us a refreshing emotional free pass. At home, we're tied to our routines, and our daily environments reinforce certain behaviors. But on holiday, those strings are severed, and we're free to be our authentic selves without any filters or facades. It's a liberating experience to interact without performing roles and to embrace vulnerability without judgement. So, go ahead and indulge in all of your holiday behaviors. After all, it's all part of the magic of vacation.

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